Disability Around the World Blog

Author slh5490

Hi everyone,

My name is Sarah and I am pursuing my Bachelor of Science in the Integrated Social Sciences. I have a four year old daughter and like to spend a lot of time with my mom and sister.

I was excited to see this course added as an offering for this Fall, as I had always planned to be a counselor and I’m enjoying all the new aspects I’ve learned about disability thus far.

Disability in Afghanistan – Part 3

              Accessibility Many people with disabilities in Afghanistan are cordoned to their homes and have no access to services. Due to ongoing social stigmas and limited women in healthcare fields many with disabilities do not have the option to have… Continue Reading →

Disability in Afghanistan – Part 2

A set of scales Laws and Policies Afghanistan has taken quite a few policy measures in the last few years to ensure equal rights and protections for people with disabilities.  In 2004 the Constitution of Afghanistan has passed several Articles… Continue Reading →

Disability in Afghanistan – Part 1

 (Photo Credit: John Moore. Getty Images) Geography & Demographics: Afghanistan is a country located in the Middle East between Iran and China with a population of about 34.1 million people as of July 2017 (CIA, 2018). Technically considered a part… Continue Reading →


Due to a combination of inadequate medical care as well as poor nutrition of mothers, it is estimated that up to 8% of Afghanistan’s population is considered disabled (Francois-Trani). Men who have served in the war and are physically disabled… Continue Reading →

Sarah Hohl

Hi everyone, My name is Sarah and I am pursuing my Bachelor of Science in the Integrated Social Sciences. I have a four year old daughter and like to spend a lot of time with my family, including my mom… Continue Reading →

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