Disability Around the World Blog

Category Part 3

Accessibility in India

    India seems to have all the information, resources and even legislation to make the country more accessible. It is time to start enforcing action. There is still much to be done to make the environment, technology and healthcare… Continue Reading →

ASD in Vietnam – Part 3

Assistive devices are basic and include walking sticks, crutches and eyeglasses.  Assistive devices such as prostheses, wheelchairs and hearing devices are considered “modern” assistive devices and are not easily accessed and are also expensive (Palmer, Groce, Mont, Nguyen & Mitra,… Continue Reading →

Sweden – Part 3

Accessibility  Instead of reading off statistics, I decided to include the perspectives of two people, each with a disability, currently living in Sweden. Personal stories often tell a truer tale than do statistics on a page. First, Jesper. Jesper has… Continue Reading →

Haiti: Accessibility, Healthcare, & Advocacy

Accessibility We know that the economic state of Haiti is among the poorest in the world. We also know and recognize that people with disabilities in Haiti have a horrible stigma attached to them, often times being referred to as… Continue Reading →

Mental Illness and Disability in Norway Part 3

Mental Illness and Disability in Norway   Accessibility Norway overall practices inclusion of all individuals and so it follows standards of accessibility that allow everyone to access different areas, retailers, transportation, housing, employment and more. Norway’s accessibility in various environments… Continue Reading →

Youth Mental Health in England: Part 3

ACCESSIBILITY Sara is a wheelchair user who said she would like to highlight some of the obstacles that people may face while spending a day in the city (Manchester, England) (2017). She explained that she purposely does not do things… Continue Reading →

China – Part 3

Accessibility In recent years, steps have been taken in China to better include those with disabilities. A new regulation recently came into effect, titled, Regulations on Construction of a Barrier-Free Environment. This regulation requires urban areas that are constructing new… Continue Reading →

Ukraine – Part 3

Accessibility Ukraine has a long history of accessibility issues, from unaccommodating sidewalks to inaccessible buildings. It was ironically noted that Ukraine did so well at the Rio Paralympics in 2016 that an exhibit celebrating the successes was erected at the… Continue Reading →

Rwanda – Part 3

In Rwanda, many assistive devices are unattainable due to the cost of these devices and lack of coverage from health insurance.  High cost and unavailability of assistive devices and technologies such as wheelchairs, prostheses, hearings aids, visual aids on the… Continue Reading →

Hungary Blog 3

Hungary World Blog 3 Accessibility:       As noted by Könczei, The Hungarian Parliament adopted a National Disability Program for 2007–2013 in order to better measure rights and equal opportunities of people with disabilities in the context of Equalization… Continue Reading →

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