Engagement Journal


Completed the first exercise of using shapes to roughly represent an image. Began work on second exercise with manipulating circles within squares.


Took the time to look over the course again and the first part of the wiki pages.


Completed work on circles and started work on Point to Line Art.


Surfed the course resources to look at what will be used.


Reading wiki guides and sketched a few sample symbol ideas.


Made more logo ideas and refined preferred concepts.


Finished the curved lines exercise and continued with logo sketches.


Narrowed down the logos to two candidates.


Decided on a logo concept. Now recreating it on adobe illustrator.


Looked at the procedure for logo production again.


Created different variants of the logo idea.


Read the wiki titles introducing us to Fusion 360 and external resources that will help with learning the software.


Played round with Fusion 360 and watched more informational tutorials.


Looked at even more tutorials to help with understanding Fusion 360.


Kept working on getting familiar with Fusion 360 and succeeded with making a nine block square grid and five of the nine cubes to go with it.


Using the five blocks, I experimented further with the tools to manipulate the squares.


Created an orthographic drawing of an object on graphing paper.


Researched the next project more to understand what to plan for and what to remember to expect.


Today we had an open class were we worked on anything we personally say we needed to finish. I checked to make sure I submitted and organized my completed projects and works.


Heavy study into Fusion 360 software tools. The resources provided were very helpful for this.


More finishing touches. We also went to the work shop to review usage of the tools; specifically the vinyl cutter. Also, we scanned our orthographic drawings and uploaded them.


With our downloaded orthographic drawings, we created a Fusion 360 file to create a rough shape of our object. Understanding the basic tools to manipulate the shape were easy to pick up on, but using them in tandem was the real test.


With our basic shape in place for our orthographic drawing, we further shaped it to better represent the real object.


Manipulated the model with the specific goal of making it ergonomic and fit well in the hands.


Satisfied with my Fusion 360 model, I made fishing touches to clean up collisions. I also used the vinyl cutter to make the first real world design of my personal logo.


Today was an introduction to the digitizer scanner in the maker space. We were informed on the many facets and nuances associated to the tool and how to best take advantage of it. Also I played with my 3D model in slicer for when I go to make plans to construct it.


I chose the material I will use for my slicer model and imputed the measurements into the software.


Today I presented my final logo concept to the class. I feel that it went well. I also scanned and uploaded a chicken to my files for manipulation in fusion 360 when the time comes.


Today was meant to be an overview of the safety when using the laser cutter – the most dangerous tool in the maker space. Unfortunately technical difficulties delayed the training.


Today we collaborated on our next project which will be group based. We decided on a topographical cityscape idea complete with roads and connected by dowels.


Today I made a rough plan for the fourth project using modular “roads” to divide up a square that will fit with others.


Today we managed to review the safety training for the laser cutter and aim to take the online quiz to be able to use the cutter to produce our Fusion 360 model.


Today was a day I took to tidy up any leftover posts or survey that needed doing.


Today I focused on my Looking Glass project where I aim to combine a Fusion 360 model I made with an object I downloaded with the digital scanner.


Today we overviewed the 3D printer and how we will proceed with pooling our models into groups.


Today I used the laser cutter to produce the layers for my controller model. Only a few cases of embers arose


I returned to the makerspace to build my model, however the lack of plans or indicators made the process difficult. Nonetheless, I managed to construct the model. I am very happy with how it turned out.


Today was a day for progressing with the 3D model and team projects, both of which are making steady progress.