Mantras or Just One Man’s Ideas

During the presentation Bailey brings Mae onto the stage and starts asking her question about a kayak and use it to introduce his three mantras which are Secrets or lies, sharing is caring, and privacy is death. These are mantras that Bailey pride himself so much on that he basically embarrassed Mae in front of the other circle members. Well I’m not like the other Circle members and will fall in love with everything that Eamonn Bailey says or does. Like these mantras for example are kind of ridiculous when you think about it. They were created on the opinion of one man with a literal cult of followers. Now let’s get started on these so called mantras.

For starters let us talk about “secrets are lies”, this being based of the opinion of the same guy who made cameras to spy on everyone without their knowing. I’m not a fan of this mantra and believe that it is kind of a manipulative sentence. It is basically saying if you don’t say anything then you’re lying you don’t even have be say a lie for you to be accused of lying this way. In our culture people always have secrets among their friends or families and they don’t tell other people but that doesn’t make then liars now does it. Because in my book they aren’t lair because they haven’t actually said anything for it to be considered a lie. Mae kept secrets about her and Kalden but she isn’t lying but not letting people she had sex with him.

Then we have the saying we all heard as kids which is “sharing is caring.” Which is the only one of the mantras that were presented that I am actually willing to defend. We all grew up with people telling us to share our toys or food with other people. Our society is based on people sharing their knowledge or material possessions with those who don’t have the knowledge or items. In the book you could say by Mae sharing your person information with people is caring because it shows other people that you want to meet them and you’re welcoming them into your life. Examples from our culture range from Goodwill to scientific communities. Each expressing a different meaning of what sharing is sharing is about.

The last Mantra is the good old “Privacy is theft”. This is my first time ever heard someone say that by not sharing every aspect of your data that you are somehow a thief. Mae wants to keep her sex life a secret but by doing that she is somehow a thief to the community. Or the kayak that she took which she didn’t tell everyone at the circle that she took a kayak designated her as a thief. In our culture people are entitled to their privacy and are not label thief for exercising that entitlement. Think of Facebook as an example, we can make all of our information public or hid some of it from people and to me that isn’t a thief.

That do you think of this so called mantras?

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