Paradigm Shift Ideas

So I have not really made up my mind yet on what I want to do as my topic but I have narrowed it down to about 2 ideas. The first idea is about religious freedom and how over the years it has shifted and become something of an ideal and not a law. The start time would be right after the 9/11 incident in the US and there won’t be an end time because it is still shifting. The people being affected by this shift would be anyone who is a believer in any religious faith.

Before 9/11 people in the US could practice any religion they want without facing the hatred, criticism, and backlash that they know receive. After 9/11 there has been criticism of basically every religion especially Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam. There are people committing hate crime acts against these people and laws are being placed to affect people of certain religious groups and people are receiving backlash for expressing their religious belief. They get label homophobic, murders, or get told they don’t belong here and their country shouldn’t exist. The people who are obviously resisting the shift are those who believe in a religion because they are the ones being persecuted. The shift is in response to the 9/11 terrorism attack on US soil as well as multiple events that have occurred since then.

Now for the medical paradigm shift idea which I think I was going to do on how prescribed drugs are used now. The start time would be the early 200’s when prescribed drugs were the use of prescribed drugs rally changed. The ideology before is that prescribing drugs to kids isn’t really a good idea and they should be saved for when people really need them. The ideology after is that prescribing drugs to a kid just because I doctors says he needs them or because you think your son needs them is completely okay. And that is about all I have for this idea.

One thought on “Paradigm Shift Ideas

  1. I have a few thoughts regarding your proposal for the paradigm shift. First, I think that focusing on religious freedom is an excellent idea. Especially as ISIS is become a more prevalent threat world wide, people are becoming increasingly frightened by specific religions. This has caused political figures such as Donald Trump to make comments such as keeping all muslims out of the country. This would bve a very interesting topic to talk about.

    If you do, however, want to go the medical route, I think you cannot go wrong. One focus point, in my opinion, should be about antibiotics. They are overused and over prescribed which leads to antibiotic resistance and infections such as MRSA. You might have more to talk about if you choose the religious freedom topic, but you can’t go wrong with either. They both have a lot of potential to be excellent paradigm shifts.

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