TED Talk outline

Topic: The paradigm shift in religious freedom

Purpose: to get people to see the shift in the idea of religious freedom and to see what it means now

Thesis Statement: This paradigm shift is one that shows how the events of the world have now changed a peaceful idea, law, and mentality of people into that of mistrust, disgust, and prejudice and how it has changed into an ethereal idea that we can’t have.

what if i told you you can’t practice what ever religion you want any more. that the government and the people can decide if your religion is okay to practice. or if i told you that you are bot safe in this world because you practice one religion over the other. Well I am Roman Catholic with a pretty devote life to God. i attend church on Sunday, I pray to God, and I hold his laws dear to my heart. and I bet any other religion does the same thing to their teachings.

I. Main Idea – religious freedom is now and ideal.
A. hate crimes directed against those of another religion
1. 9/11 attacks
2. persecution of thousands or Catholics, Jews, and Muslims
B. restrictions and punishments directed against those of religions by the government of people
1. bakery in Colorado fined for not making cake for gay couple
2. the wanted removal of God from the Pledge of allegiance

II. Main Idea – Persecution of religion in the eyes of people
A. restriction of religion from one public life
B. Mass killing of religious people in the Middle East

III. Main Idea – the separation of church and state

A. the state should not get involved in the church

B. the church in other words any religion should be allowed to flourish with out being restricted.


One thought on “TED Talk outline

  1. I think your TED Talk is very well defined already. There is a definite paradigm shift away from religion in my opinon! The only advice I have for you is to possibly define this shift on two different levels. At least in my mind, the government of any nation is a reflection (typically) of its people. So it would be interesting to use this concept to your advantage and discuss both aspects. You already have a lot of evidence as to why the government has shifted away from protection of religious rights, but you could also expand to how the people themselves have begun to shift away from (and even persecute) those who are extremely religious. I know personally, that expressing religion as someone our age is extremely tough to do without receiving any criticism. Many teenagers and young adults, even extending to adults of advanced age, are shamed for believing in something that does not have scientific “proof.” Religion is almost seen as naive nowadays, so if you have any more personal experiences with this concept, including them would help to make it an extremely passionate TED Talk. You definitely are off to a good start!

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