Hicks = ?

One of my most hated words in the English language is the word “hick”. This word is often attached to people coming from small towns and I would argue unrightfully so.

Hick is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as an “unsophisticated provincial person.” In the Urban Dictionary it is defined as “A derogatory slang term for lower class whites raised in rural areas, usually within trailer parks or hog farms. Generally used more for Midwesterners than Southerners. General defining characteristics of a hick: Protestant upbringing, usually Baptist; racist and sexist opinions; does not attend college ; dumber than a post” The term is obviously something that is a very offensive term. Yet, it is used all the time to describe people from smaller towns. I believe that the use of the term “hick” by people from cities just further increases the divide between country and city folk.

Coming from a town that I know would be labeled as a “hick town” I may of course be biased. However, I believe that peoples’ view of this subculture of America is dramatically wrong and twisted. In constructing my reasons why, I will use the Urban Dictionary definition of “hick” to further my points, since Urban Dictionary is often relevant to what the culture and society as a whole views a word to mean.

First, I would like to agree that hick culture of America is essentially the culture of lower-class whites that live in trailer parks. However, the definition just then goes into bashing this large culture of America. I truly find it as taking a cheap shot against this lower class of society that almost has an inability to defend itself.

Growing up in this culture, I have had a first-hand experience to all of the great things about this culture. First, people that come from this lower culture are some of the most real and genuine people you will ever meet. They are very humble and do not care what others think of them. This makes them a very enjoyable crowd to be around.

Further, people from this subculture are some of the most selfless people you will ever meet. There was a guy in my town growing up that had a small house and was essentially living paycheck to paycheck. He was the kind of guy that would take that paycheck and spend it immediately on beer and cigarettes (yes, I know, the stereotypical hick). However, despite barely even surviving on his own, I know of several times that he took people into his home that were struggling themselves to help them get back on their feet.

I believe that this kind of selflessness is greatly lacking in urban culture in America. In urban culture, everybody is individually expected to take on life. However, in hick culture, people seem to have more of a “we’re all in this together” mentality. Why aren’t things like humility and selflessness seen when we think of people from this lower class of society? I hope that you now have a more rounded view of what it means to be a hick, and may realize that it is just as much a compliment as it is an insult.

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