Youth Cooperation for Ideas

Youth Cooperation for Ideas (YCI) provides drug rehabilitation and education services to the urban Somali refugee community in Uganda. The organization provides these services through a rehabilitation center and a school. The rehabilitation center has 16 full-time paid employees and currently rehabilitates 40 patients and the school has 100 students who are taught five (5) different subjects. The subjects are Computer class, English language, Kiswahili language, mathematics and Somali language. The total number of our beneficiaries approximately is 1,000 beneficiaries.

The community we represent and our beneficiaries are the under-privileged refugee youth who are: 1) Unemployed 2) Drug abusers and addicts 3) School dropouts 4) Orphans/orphanage background 5) From poor families 6) Abandonment and neglection background 7) Interested in vocational training




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