Kalobeyei Initiative For Better (Ki4bli-CBO)





KI4BLI is a registered community based organization, founded and led by young refugee resident of Kalobeyei settlement, i was founded in 2018 with aim to use power of education to transform lives of refugees, we are working in 4 sectors as follows 1. Education we offer professional and life skills to youth that helps them to make changes in their communities such as peace building, Social Entrepreneurship,etc 2. Livelihood we empower women with financial education and introduce them to VSLA for their self reliance,support household with kitchen permaculture gardens also offer digital skills using Smartphone to youth that create job opportunities such as graphic design, digital marketing, etc 3. community Health we provide Counseling and Nutrition training to the community members but also sensitize the community about Mental health and HIV prevention measures. 4. Protection we promote and advocate for inclusion in the community for children, people with disability and Gender Balance, also educate the community about their right and Complain Handling System means how to report in a safe way.


Get in Touch With: Kalobeyei Initiative For Better (Ki4bli-CBO)

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