Congratulations to Kayla and Zayne!

Congratulations to Kayla and Zayne for receiving the ACS CATL – ChemCatBio Graduate Student Travel Award for the 2024 ACS Fall National Meeting in Denver! Hope you got to see their talks (they’ll be presenting them again at the 2024 AIChE annual meeting)!

The Rioux Lab Welcomes Two New Post Docs!

The Rioux lab welcomes two new post docs, Jeonghwan Lee and Nilanjan Roy! Jeonghwan received his Ph.D. from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea and will be investigating solvent effects on zeolite catalysis. Nilanjan recently received his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur and will be joining on going intermentallic and single atom catalysis research. Welcome to the Rioux Lab!


Welcome Kathryn and Mustafa to the Rioux Lab!

Kathryn Macintosh is our new post doc from Scotland and will be working on liquid metal catalyst! Mustafa Mahmoud Basuni Eid is our new Ph.D. graduate student from Egypt and will be working on intermetallic catalysts. Welcome to the Rioux group!


Congratulations to Tianze and Mu!

  Congratulations to Tianze and Mu, who successfully defended their pH.D. thesis this summer! 


Tianze will be heading to the west coast to work for Intel and Mu will staying in PA to work for Air Products! They will be missed in the Rioux lab. Congratulations once again!