Upcoming Psychology Club Hopes to Strengthen Student Bonds

contributing Student writer: Bianca Stupka

This semester, several psychology students at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus are looking to strengthen and support their community by creating a Psychology Club on campus. There are currently 16 active student organizations listed on the Penn State Fayette Student Organization information page, which would make a finalized Psychology Club the 17th active organization. The creation of a Psychology Club, expected to launch in March 2024, is being pursued by Tessa Lynn, a fourth-year psychology major and HDFS minor. She has been closely working with Assistant Director of Student Affairs Barry Pawloski on the club creation process.

Tessa is preparing to preside over the new club in a presidential role, which would include listing out goals and events for the club. She listed the goals of the club as creating a community of psychology students who are interested in learning more about the field, finding available job and social opportunities and creating a personal and academic support system for all students involved in the club or field.

“Students have the best chance of success when they have a sense of belonging, and I think that a lot of the time that’s lacking in our major,” Tessa said.

The psychology major often tries to foster close connections between its students, specifically by offering a variety of opportunities to the students, whether it be through cultural or field-related experiences. Notably, Dr. Aris Karagiorgakis, an Associate Teaching Professor of Psychology at Penn State Fayette, has been involved in planning study-abroad trips for students. These trips are open to any interested students on campus who are able to pay the travel fees, regardless of their major, but psychology majors taking his courses are highly encouraged to join the trips and gain those cultural experiences, as well.

Group photo from Turkey trip of 2023, Photo Credit to Penn State

Tessa attended the most recent Penn State Fayette study-abroad trip planned by professor Karagiorgakis, where the destination was Turkey in summer 2023, and has experienced the benefits of this travel opportunity first-hand. However, for students looking to form connections in the psychology community through more casual means, without the requirement of a travel fee or taking a psychology course, the Psychology Club could provide them with easily attainable resources and opportunities.

“I’m really hoping this club is able to bring some of the students together under the common love of psychology, while also pushing them to be the best versions of themselves,” Tessa said.

While the club is still in the works and there is no specific date for when the club will be finalized in March 2024, Tessa plans to make several announcements in the psychology classes when the club is officially running. For any students who are interested in joining the club or finding more information about it but aren’t involved in a psychology course, Tessa encourages them to reach out to her via email at tnl5138@psu.edu or text at 240-727-3146.


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