Looking to Join?

We are always looking for writers and copy editors—even spots for directorial positions pop up from time to time!

As such, you’ll find an up to date list of available positions below. Apply by sending a letter of interest to our Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor at your convenience.

Editor-in-Chief: Sophie Machesky (sam7391@psu.edu)
Managing Editor: Maddie Nicklow (mkn5356@psu.edu)

Available: Staff Writer

Our bread and butter: writers. 

In this role, you have the liberty of writing about anything you want. Whether it’s an opinion piece on mental health, or a heated discussion on the latest football game! That being said, try to come prepared with a clear vision & accurate information to report on.

Applicants are not required to be journalism, political science, or even literature majors. All you need is a passion for writing.

Upon joining the team, you will be expected to produce at least one story every month, and attend club meetings when necessary.

Available: Casual Writer

Similar to staff writers, a casual writer sends in stories but without commitment. There are no requirements—just send us a story and we’ll edit & run it!



