When diving into the future of our environment and narrowing in on climate change, solar energy is a common solution. Solar Energy would replace the usage of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels make up the majority of energy and heat in the environment. When fossil fuels are emitted, carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere ultimately harming the environment. Carbon emissions hurt the Earth’s atmosphere which leads to increasing temperatures ultimately hurting habitats. Habitats are filled with ecosystems that are filled with different animals and humans. The destruction of these ecosystems could lead to a failure within our Earth. This is why when narrowing in on the issue regarding energy, it’s best to look at the pros and cons of Solar Energy and how it could potentially change the Earth.
Solar Energy is extremely important when it comes to social and environmental aspects of the movement. When it comes to social aspects, Solar energy could play a huge role in helping developing countries develop more energy at a cheaper cost. Hoping that the government would play a role in funding this energy, solar energy would potentially help distribute a greater abundance of energy across smaller communities which would help developing countries. Solar Energy is very easy to store. This leads to a surplus of solar energy being stored in batteries and in other mechanics to keep energy flowing. This could benefit electrical energy or even heat energy to keep appliances running. Not to mention solar energy would help heal habitats and ecosystems affected by climate change. Ultimately, the movement within solar energy helps grow the environment in a new way that is needed to save the future of Earth.
However, introducing solar energy would be quite difficult in the near future. The first flaw that makes it so difficult is the amount of change that is required. Especially in the United States, a lot of people refuse to change their living styles and the way they go about their everyday lives. By switching to solar energy, these people would be required to switch to new appliances, install solar panels, and create a stronger renewable energy source to reduce the use of fossil fuels. This would be a huge issue for the United States as politics would get involved furthermore pushing the movement back. It is impossible to please everyone so getting everyone on board would be near impossible. However, regardless of what is and what is not possible, even pushing the movement to reach the smallest amount of people would help the environment.
At this point, the environment is extremely desperate for change and small change would drastically improve climate change and the health of Earth’s atmosphere.