RCL Blog Entry #1

“This I believe podcast:” An idea I have for my podcast would be “you can do anything as long as you put the hard work and time into it.” I have always stood by these words so it would be nice to explain my thinking behind it in the form of a podcast. Another idea would be “you need to go lower to come back even higher.” Everyone has experienced ups and downs in life, but they do not realize the lesson behind the downs until afterwards. Changing our mindsets to enjoy and learn from those low-points while they are happening can spark an even larger impact.

Passion Blog: I am a big fan of sports cars (both gasoline and electric) and now is the best time to be a part of the car world as it is about to experience a lot of change. With more regulations and the power that exists through electric motors, many auto manufacturers are switching from gas to hybrid or even fully electric vehicles within the next few years. Writing about cars in my passion blog would help me keep up will all of the changes happening and reflect on how it affects the future of the car world. Another idea I have for my passion blog would be vacation spots. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many places across the world and I could even write about the places that I want to visit in the future.

Civic Issues Blog: With most people in my generation using social media on a regular basis, I believe the privacy rights need to be enhanced. Many social media companies are selling their users’ data, and many (including the social media companies themselves) don’t know what is being done with that data. Another idea would be discussing human-gene modification. I would address both the history of the topic, where we stand currently, and what the future of it is looking like. Many do not even know that there are gene-edited humans that exist today.

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