The Art of Building a “Me”

“Who am I?” Great question. This is probably one of the hardest questions for me to answer, simply because I never took the time to think about it. So I thought about it… and I still don’t know. So, you could imagine my excitement when my assignment was to write about a passion that makes me, me. After days of pondering what I am passionate about (and putting off the assignment as long as I could), I came up with two things; working out and makeup.

As average as it may be, I’m not good at much else. My makeup skills stems from my background as an artist. It’s essentially the same thing, just painting on a different kind of canvas. The backbones to makeup is the same as traditional art. They both contain highlights, lowlights, blending, and a strong dependency on lighting. The same information on which colors compliment each other in the traditional arts, apply to makeup. The certain places where highlights are applied, has the power to alter the optical illusion of the facial features shape and depth. Makeup is an art in itself, and it is one passion I love to explore and experiment with.

What usually takes up a good portion of my everyday life, is the amount of time I spend at the gym. Working out is a strong passion of mine, not only cardio and lifting weights, but the supplemental and good food choices are, as well. I enjoy testing the various workouts which strengthen different muscle groups. Different number of reps, speeds, and pauses has a different effect on the muscles and performance. It’s not all about the amount of weight, even though it’s a common misconception. The right supplements and the type of food consumed, plays an equal role with the amount of weight. Even the amount of rest, plays a significant role in weight lifting performance. Working out, itself, helps improve overall mental, physical, and emotional health. This essential part of my  daily routine, is another piece of what makes me, me.

These two passions lead an influential role in my life. Although, I may not know who exactly I am, I do know these passions are big pieces of my individuality.