Gather Round

Unquestionably, today’s political climate is as hostile as ever. With nationalism back in favor, people from other countries are stereotyped into an unrepresentative light, gaining popular disapproval and losing opportunity in a land where that was once its hallmark. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a more accurate depiction of these people, their children, their […]

To Finity, Mostly Beyond

Music has always served a certain role in society. When people listen to music, it is played at a fixed point in a room or outside, live or recorded, on a stage or from a speaker. It has come a long way from its Western, Baroque heritage, in terms of delivery, reception, formality, format, accessibility, […]

Yes, I Know Taylor Mali. Quite possibly one of the best orators of our generation. What makes this work so mind-bending-ly effective? The words simply issue from his mouth with an intuition and determination like no other. Frankly, it’s a bit intimidating, but unbelievably compelling. A few weeks ago I found myself caught up in his poetry […]

Right Idea, Wrong Approach

I have to say, no matter how much of a hassle it can be to read every homework article, textbook chapter, and student essay in my “free” time, they generally yield some valuable information both implicit and explicit that will help me with the task at hand, regardless of the course. With that in mind, […]

On the Origin of Dissonance

Let’s talk music! If I asked the class what do you listen to, you would probably say some kind of pop/hip-hop. Maybe you actively oppose mainstream pop and instead opt for alt rock. Maybe the indie scene is still too easy-listening and you lean more towards jazz to satisfy your refined palate. Maybe you aren’t […]


Good research, good focus, good style, good organization. There isn’t much Jean Twenge leaves undiscussed in her analysis of the changing tide of technology in the hands of twenty-first century teenagers. A paradigm shift in its fullest descriptive potential (just shy of 5000 words) seems to leave the audience with more than an overview and […]

Love Like a Refugee

Flashback, Jan. 20, 2017: Donald J. Trump assumes position as chief executive of the United States of America, a sovereign nation founded on the principles of opportunity regardless of geographic origin. Scarcely one week later, January 27, 2017: the newly elected president enacts an executive order severely inhibiting the fluidity of historically free American borders. […]

He is Ignorant

We’re driving along, having a good old time. You look at the back of the car in front of you and think, “Aw, a cute little stick figure family with a dog and two kids.” You look beneath that and see a sticker for the last family vacation the driver supposedly took with his supposedly […]

Shock and Nah

Don’t blink, or you might miss it! But you probably already did. It happened back in 2012. But it actually started in 2007. Lots of stuff was supposed to happen in 2012. But not much happened in 2012 that lived up to the hype it received. People remember the let down that wasn’t the end […]

Like a what?

Before we get into the good stuff, I’d advise everyone to make sure they’ve watched this video. Alright, that’s an example of a really effective ad for empowering young women. And why shouldn’t it be? It was developed by women to appeal to women in order to sell feminine hygiene products. It combats a stereotype and […]