Finding the Best Study Spot: The HUB-Robeson Center

To kick off the journey of finding the best study spots on campus, I decided to start off with a popular choice––the HUB-Robeson Center, often just shortened to, “the HUB.” As many students are likely familiar, the HUB is home to a plethora of dining options, a bookstore, many on-campus services, and, most importantly, an abundance of study spaces. Due to the wide selection of study spots, I decided to split my time between studying on the indoor bleachers that are directly above the bookstore, and the sitting area on the first floor in front of Alumni Hall.


From Freshman Year to Now: What's Changed?

The indoor bleachers in the HUB (Source: Onward State)


Penn State coronavirus response -

The sitting area right outside Alumni Hall in the HUB (Source: Penn Live)


I reached my first study spot, the indoor bleachers, around noon on a Tuesday. As expected, the space was filled with students studying and taking lunch breaks, making it difficult to find space to get settled. The first characteristic that I noticed about this study area was the amount of ambient noise. Located in one of the busiest parts of the HUB, the indoor bleachers have a relatively-high amount of ambient noise, potentially making it difficult to concentrate. In addition, the environment is filled with visual stimulants, especially with the close-proximity to the food court and students walking up and down the stairs. One big consideration for studying on the indoor bleachers is the lack of table-space, making it difficult to do any work that doesn’t involve typing on a computer. In addition, sitting on the indoor bleachers for long periods of time can be uncomfortable, as the wooden seating and the lack of back support can put stress on your body after extended periods of time.

When my back had enough of the indoor bleachers, I decided to travel to my next study spot, the sitting area in front of Alumni Hall (this one fortunately had actual chairs). Despite starting studying around 2pm, this area was still far quieter than the indoor bleachers. This, combined with fewer visual stimulants, made the area in front of Alumni Hall far better for focusing. Although there are no desks to work on, there are a couple of coffee tables scattered around the area.

Overall, the location of the building itself is relatively-convenient, especially for students in South campus. In addition, amenities like HUB Dining and the bookstore ensure that you never have to travel far for anything you may need while getting work done. Between the two spots I studied at, ambient noise might be seen as an issue (although personally, I enjoy having some ambient noise when I study), as well as the lack of desks or tables. However, other areas in the HUB, like the second and third floors, offer both quiet working environments and tables to work on. It’s also important to note that I visited the HUB during some of the busiest times of day––going later in the night often means a quieter environment and more open spaces. All in all, the HUB is a great spot to get quick work done in between classes, especially if you’re in the area!


  1. I too find that the area by the bleachers tends to have way too many competing noises to focus, especially during peak hours. Though I find that the area is much better for studying either in between mealtimes or later in the evening. Either way, I definitely agree that it’s a convenient spot to go for people in South Halls.

  2. Olivia Cavallaro January 27, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    Ronak, I loved how you went into detail about each floor in the HUB and weighing the pro’s and con’s of both. Personally, I am a big fan of the third floor for studying. There are huge glass windows that overlook the food court and it is super quiet!

  3. Hey Ronak,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I am a big library person, so I have not really tried out any other studying spaces. I liked how you used very specific details about each sitting space at the HUB. Those indoor bleachers definitely do not look back friendly! I honestly didn’t know that there are quiet workspaces in the second and third floors, so I’ll definitely check those out. I remember during finals week last semester that everything was PACKED everywhere and there was barely any quiet place to sit and study at so I can’t wait to find out about more study spaces on campus!

  4. I loved how you talked about multiple spots throughout the HUB! I personally have not sat over by the bleachers and Jamba Juice (for the sole purpose of all the noise and things that goes on in that area). The HUB is personally my favorite place to study and do work! I like to get my coffee from Starbucks and then sit adjacent to Starbucks. The only downside is that there is absolutely no where to sit depending on the day. Loved this post!

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