What fans can learn from watching The West Wing

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The West Wing is a show that showcases the interesting lives of white house staff. Photo from https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/10/11/west-wing-weekend-convention-washington/

If you have ever watched the West Wing you likely remember the episode when the president is shot and the white house staff is shuffling to keep the United States functioning.  CJ Craig the press secretary in the white house must release a press briefing describing the condition of the president and what is known about the attack. CJ uses this opportunity to not only relay important information to the US citizens, but also to persuade people of the importance of gun regulation.  She performs an extremely convincing speech urging people to advocate for the importance of stricter gun laws.

CJ begins by describing what the reporters in the room originally ask, she then ventures into an appeal to people’s emotions.  She discusses other instances of people being victims of gun violence the same night as the President, but mentions that these stories usually don’t make it into the news.  She then ventures into using statistics to provide further evidence of the damage that gun violence causes in the United States everyday.

CJ also uses different visual and auditory cews to keep listeners engaged.  She begins by when she starts with her emotional appeal removing her glasses, which makes what she is saying appear more sincere.  Next she varies the speed of her words, starting sentences faster and then ending them slower creating a dramatic build to relevant statistics.  She continues to keep her gaze on the reporters she is talking to and she nods her head back and forth as she lists statistics. She concludes her argument by refuting a major beleif of pro-gun rights activists and she keeps with a calm steady talking pace throughout.

Overall CJ’s calm and tired voice makes her argument seem even more pressing to the public.  The fact that she is making these devastating events sound mundane and emphasizes that they happen all the time in the United States she is forcing Americans to consider the ramifications of having non-strict gun laws.

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