Justification for The Way in Which I Organized My Spring 2022 E-Portfolio


I structured my E-Portfolio in this way because it contributed so powerfully to the navigational element of the page: just a simple scroll up or down and a click at the top to go to the various pages. It also provided a classic, timeless look that fit the narrative that I was trying to develop which portrayed the image of an eternal stoicism and seriousness within developed military members.

I chose my paradigm shift essay and my policy proposal essay because they were a contributing piece to the overall theme I was building which illustrated myself as a developing student and military member with astute knowledge of national security in both the foreign policy implementation context and the and the policy development context.

The imagery provided a sense of personality by demonstrating tools of national security enforcement and a personal touch of myself as young individual.

Next, the “About Me” page gives some background as to how I got where I am as well as an implicit reference to my ambitions.

All of these previous elements continue to flow into the classic professional look which adds to the proficiently knowledgeable national security professional element.

Lastly, the blogs portrayed how I would week in and week out touch upon different areas of global affairs, from particular weapons systems to analysis of individual foreign leaders and lastly, to scenarios of economic implications of national security.

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