Personal Video

For this week, I’d like to showcase one of my videos. At my high school we had a TV production program where we would first learn the basics of filming and editing and then go on to make our own videos. In the final year of the class, we would make promotional videos for clubs and events the school holds. The one I’m going to be showing today is the one I created for my high schools prom.

My school decided to have a Gatsby themed prom, and I had always had a weird draw to the story line so i jumped on the opportunity. What makes this video interesting is that during the whole process we had a bunch of set backs in almost every step of the process. From technical difficulties all the way to more than 3/4 of the people not showing up for the filming, everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

When faced with these problems I had to deal with them because there was no way I could pull together another filming date at the location. After we shot the footage and I realized the original script was not going to work with what we shot, I sat down and completely re-imagined the whole video out of film that we already shot. Here is the final result:

One thing I take great pride in for this video is that I animated and created all the titles and computer generated graphics you saw. Most of that work was done in a program called After Effects. Another thing is that every voice you hear in the video was not captured during the original shooting, everything was recorded in post production because all the mics were turned off for filming. This quick video, with everything that went wrong, probably took me a solid 15-20 hours of work and in the end I was happy with the result. My school loved it and were surprised when I told a select few about all the problems.