Advocacy Project Ideas + Ethical Advocacy

My issue brief is centered around Greek life and the dangerous atmosphere surrounding the current state of fraternities and sororities, especially at Penn State.  For the advocacy project, I could

An Intervention in Greek Life Hazing

A 19 year old steps foot on campus as a freshman ripe with vigor and enthusiasm.  They’re ready to take on the world.  They want to make friends at their

Policy Intervention: Exigence and Audience

At least 2 college students have died as a result of fraternity hazing and have made national headlines in the last month alone.  Addressing the rhetorical situation and exigence of

An Intervention in Greek Life Hazing

The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law was passed in 2018.  It was a good start, and a step in the right direction – but it wasn’t the answer.  Greek life

Potential Spring Blog Ideas

“This I believe” RCL Blog: Adversity as a youth breeds success as an adult. Nobody can do everything alone/Everyone needs help sometimes. This entire essay is going to be impossible

TED Talk Review and History of Public Controversy Idea

I enjoy presentations and public speaking, and I thought I had an interesting topic.  It didn’t take me long to memorize the short parts that I wanted to memorize and

Slides for Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift Sources

  I decided to completely change my topic for the paradigm shift project, and even still I haven’t finalized this as my topic.  Nevertheless, I was told to provide some

Inside The Mind of A Master Procrastinator

I found this video when I was procrastinating.  I thought “Well maybe if I figure out why I procrastinate, I’ll stop”.  So obviously, I had to watch the video.  Ironically

Speech Review

I feel much more confident in my speech after hearing the reviews from my peers in breakout rooms on Tuesday.  I know that I have to take everything with a