RCL Rhetorical Analysis Outline – A Saint Patty’s Day Message From Guinness

Introduction Paragraph(s):

  • Introduce the Police Badge and discuss the divisiveness surrounding the topic of law enforcement and police brutality
    • Address the controversy, which is how some view the police as honorable and feel safe around them (conservatives), while others feel unsafe around the police (minorities) and desire reform (liberals)
  • Address the fact that there is room for improvement and change within the system
    • Police will not be seen as weaker for reforming their flawed institution
      • This will transition to talking about achieving change for the greater good
  • Introduce the second artifact, which is the Guinness commercial
    • Give context (aired during the start of the pandemic pre Saint Patty’s Day when schools just shut down)
  • Thesis: In Guinness’ Saint Patrick’s Day message, the company promotes public health and safety during unprecedented times while simultaneously advertising their product. Through the use of imagery, personal pronouns, and repetition this commercial facilitates strong emotional appeals that emphasize the importance of community and togetherness during divisive times, which strengthens the image and reputation of the Guinness brand.

Body Paragraphs

  1. Discuss stereotypes about the irish and beer in general (commonplaces)
    1. Aggression, drunk/dangerous, but instead this brand diverts from normal generalizations and makes a sappier commercial
    2. Include how Saint Patty’s is a major drinking event and Guinness is consumed in large amounts surrounding this holiday
    3. They had the option to encourage people to go out and drink together, but instead took the ethical approach and discussed the history of Guinness and how they are here to stay (making them a trusted brand)
    4. Prioritize the health and safety of others in uncertain times rather than their profit
      1. Give stats on how many people were infected with Covid and died post saint patty’s day
      2. Discuss the influence that large brands like this company have and how they used their platform in a positive way
  2. Analyze how the commercial includes people of all different races, genders, ethnicities to show all different groups coming together around this brand (Mention the irish flags in the background too since this is mainly targeted at those who planned to celebrate the holiday
    1. Talk about the divide between people during this time
    2. Mask or not… believing in covid or not (still divided pre vaccines)
    3.  Mention the irish flags in the background too
    4. Builds credibility by bringing in all different people who support the brand
  3. Analyze the personal pronouns used in the commercial “We” “you” etc and discuss their impact
    1. Take direct quotes from the commercial
    2. Addresses commonplaces associated Saint Patty’s Day starting with a beer, then corned beef, but when gets to parade they pause
      1. “Don’t worry, we’ll march again”
      2. “We’re all human”
      3. The company addresses the current state of the world and encourages people to do what they are comfortable with, such as call a friend or family member (celebrate safely)
    3. Raise a pint of Guinness and raise each other 
      1. Incorporates brand name repeatedly


  • Wrap up how Guinness had a choice to make in lieu of the pandemic
  • Discuss the outcome of their decision and allude to the broader idea of diverting from the norm or familiar territory
  • Mention the discomforts associated with change and how sometime it is necessary to “rebrand” in order to put the community over self/company-interest

Works Cited

​​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWVW5p62sO8 (Guinness Commercial)

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-parade/new-york-citys-st-patricks-day-parade-canceled-on-coronavirus-concern-idUSKBN20Z0DA (Discusses parade cancellations in lieu of Covid 19 and how this impacts Guinness: the number one drunken beer for the holiday)

https://www.history.com/news/st-patricks-day-facts (Includes facts and stereotypes surrounding Saint Patty’s Day, Irish people, and Beer)

https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html (Covid 19 timeline that shows what was going on in the world around this time, which is March 2020)


https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/23/people-in-advanced-economies-say-their-society-is-more-divided-than-before-pandemic/ (This source and the one above highlight the divisiveness and lack of community during these uncertain times)


One thought on “RCL Rhetorical Analysis Outline – A Saint Patty’s Day Message From Guinness

  1. I think the introduction is pretty effective. I like the thesis statement as it’s specific and specifically mentions that imagery, personal pronouns, and repetition are employed to help the artifact connect with the audience and achieve its goal. The specific artifact that is being analyzed is the Guinness Saint Patrick’s Day commercial and the reason for this focus is to demonstrate how Guinness fosters community and togetherness during a divisive time. This is important as it shows that Guinness cares about the togetherness of society, which consumers admire. The commercial is responding to the division within society and seeks to address this issue by highlighting the importance of community and togetherness. As the artifact is responding to a current and pressing issue, it is clearly important as it demonstrates how the Guinness brand is maintaining and strengthening community. The artifact itself is framed in the social context of how a company aims to enhance community.


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