RCL Blog Post One!

This advertisement against global warming which fits into goal thirteen, climate action, from the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals is a great example of using visuals and commonplaces to grasp the viewers attention. First off, the image itself is a hourglass, representing the fact that this is an urgent issue that we need to take action on uses Logos, because it is showing the viewer that they need to act before it is too late. The fact that the bottom is a city, representing all developed land, in danger of flooding really pulls with pathos because it evokes a need for protecting what the viewer has. People do not want to think of negative change, and tend to put off issues like climate change because it is easier mentally to ignore than address and acknowledge directly. This ad shows viewers what their reality could be, which pathos wise, is scary for a lot of people. The words “we are running out of time” on top with the melting glaciers, and “act now before its too late” on the bottom with the slowly flooding city scene also place heavy emphasis on the seriousness of the issue the creator of this image is trying to get across. The commonplace in this is the whole idea that climate change affects the Arctic, while climate change affects a multitude of things, many people fixate on the image of melting glaciers, and overheating polar bears; the creator uses these general ideas to make the image easier to understand. While I personally like this ad because I believe in climate change, one criticism would be the lack of ethos used, there is no way to tell if this can be trusted? People who are already skeptical of climate change, which is a huge chunk of the general population, are not going to be convinced by an image like this, they are typically going to want facts and trusted experts telling them this information. Overall I do think this advertisement is effective, it just may only be effective for those who already agree with its points?

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