Isabella’s Elevator Pitch (RCL)

Isabella’s elevator pitch proposal was done beautifully. She highlighted the ideas of performative activism and brought in her audience in a thought provoking way, asking how we used our social medias to repost things that are happening in the world or political issues, then asked if we felt as if we were actually doing something about it. Asking us to reevaluate how we are posting and if we are just feeding in to performative activism or actually making a difference was a great point, especially for our generation. She also made the point that our constant reposting and consumption of these issues without actual, genuine action is desensitizing us to the significant problems around us. One example of this that she brought up was school shootings and how we have heard so much coverage in the media that it no longer surprises us or hits as hard? Isabella did an amazing job telling us about her topic and her demeanor really engaged her audience because her descriptions of these issues related to our generation specifically. She kept things more casual to relate to her audience more, and made it more interactive which was a smart tactic. Overall, I think she was very informed and will have an amazing finalized speech and essay! The only thing she could maybe add on would be a bit more context with her artifact?

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