How I Started Promoting Music on Spotify (Passion Blog)

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved music and expressing myself through it. Whether that be through little elementary school me preforming original songs for the talent show with friends, or obsessively listening to songs with lyrics that resonated with me, no matter how I have shown my love for it, its always been an integral part of my life. Now personally, I am a Spotify user, and I firmly believe it is the superior music platform. I will argue with you if you’re an Apple Music enthusiast, or even worse a Pandora enjoyer… Spotify is just the absolute best platform for listening to music and getting to stalk your friend’s playlists; it operates similar to a social media as you can follow and be followed, and your playlists can gain popularity. I had no idea going into making my playlists that any of them would actually gain a decent following, I just loved curating playlists based on my moods or genres that I enjoyed! Taking pictures for the covers of these playlists, and thinking of fun names became a hobby of mine, I wasn’t doing it for anyone other than myself and close friends, but it was something I was passionate about. My first playlist to start gaining popularity, and now my most followed, was “crunchy granola mountain music”. I had originally just made the playlist while camping with my family as something to listen to while sitting around the campfire and to listen to while hiking, just something for us to enjoy, but then it started getting likes… First, I got excited when I saw 10 follows on it, I was happy people were enjoying my playlist that I put so much love into… then that number continued to grow! I freaked out when I hit 1,000 followers and started to gain musicians and bands as followers on Instagram and receive direct messages asking me to add their music to my playlist! Eventually, the playlist grew even more and i hit 10k followers this past spring which was crazy, and now that playlist is at 20,489 followers! I now receive messages from artists and bands asking me to promote their music and add it to playlists for money, merchandise, and i’ve even been given tickets to concerts (unfortunately I could not attend because the venue was for 21+). It’s been a crazy experience and I had no idea my Spotify would grow to this point, but I have made so many amazing connections and am now friends with some amazing artists on instagram. A few artists you may have heard of that I have gotten to work with are: Rebounder, Brad Brooks, Victoria Bigelow, The Satellite Station, Marlon Funaki, Meyru, and more… but the most well known artist connection would be a song with Jesse Rutherford from The Neighborhood featured! I plan to write a whole other blog post on some of my favorite promoted songs and artists, but this is just the back story of how I got into promoting music, there were no secrets, it just happened and I am lucky enough to have this opportunity!

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