Welcome to my RCL Experience

Hello! My name is Sanchita Bhusari and I am so excited to be sharing my RCL experience with you through this website. Here are some quick fun facts to help you learn more about me! I am a current freshmen at Penn State University with an intended major in Finance. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, dancing, singing in various choirs, making playlists, and playing/ learning different instruments. I like music a lot…can you tell?

So what is RCL? RCL stands for Rhetoric and Civic Life; this course focuses on developing students’ skills in communication through oral, written, visual, and digital modes. As a student, I will be given the opportunity to analyze civic rhetoric, research current issues, and develop arguments on various topics.

This website will have two blog threads: RCL and PAS. RCL will primarily focus on responding to prompts that center around communication in the twenty-first century. I will be able to focus on certain issues that interest me and analyze them through a rhetoric lens. PAS, also known as the passion blog, will be an outlet for me to discuss any recurring topic throughout the weeks of the course. The passion that I will be focusing on are the genres of music and their relation to emotion. I am passionate about allowing oneself to connect emotionally with music, and I would like to explore this connection more through this Passion blog thread!