Why Physical Therapy Matters as you Age

Physical Therapy can sometimes be viewed as a practice which is only needed in recovery. For aging adults, physical therapy can aide in the prevention of injuries. The biggest benefit physical therapy provides people with as they get older is through fall prevention. According to the National Council on Aging, an older adult is medically […]

Keep it Clean

  When you think of your health, cleanliness and organization are probably not the first things to come to mind. However, cleanliness and organization are both very important factors in safety and your health. I know now you’re probably thinking, “Duh! Of course, cleanliness matters!” We’ve all heard of those tiny disease-causing microorganisms called germs. […]

Exercise for All Ages

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to have a good exercise plan. There are many great options for beginners or for people with special physical needs. There are three dimensions of exercise: Cardio Strength Flexibility It is important to have a routine which includes every dimension. Cardio is an exercise activity which raises […]

Eating Healthy

Guess what?! You can eat carbs! In fact, the recommended dietary allowance for carbohydrates is 130 grams per day, or about 45% of your total caloric intake! Carbohydrates provide your brain with glucose it needs to function properly. The right carbohydrates also provide your body with fiber which helps keep your digestive tract functioning properly. […]

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Your wellness matters to me! Did you know America sets goals to improve our country’s overall health? This is what the Healthy People Initiative does. A healthier population means higher productivity and less medical expenses. The goal for 2020 was to improve Americans’ quality of life and prevent chronic diseases. You might not know, but […]