The team is now tasked with working alongside the Organized Crime Unit to solve a case that appears to be a mob hit. However, the BAU profilers are led to believe that a serial killer is behind the crime, a belief that escalates after one of the agents assigned to the case goes missing.
Ok so it starts off at a bar, two men leaving. Their names are Jim and Freddy who go and stop by a cop that somehow knows Jim. Turns out this cop had arrested Jim a few years back. Jim then goes to his house and Freddy wen to his which was his aunt Helens house that he was spending the night at. A few hours pass and the neighbor is banging on Aunt Helens front door. The neighbor hears loud band music coming from Helens house, they try opening the doorknob and realized that it is covered in blood. The door then opened and Jim comes out of the house knocking the neighbor standing in front of him over.
The team is called in the next morning. At the crime scene there were two victims, named William and Helen Dimarco (meaning the aunt and her husband). The neighbor being the witness said that she saw a “20-40 year old white male fleeing the scene”. Helen was found tied to a chair with cuts all over her and her husband William was found tied up in the shower with the same torture wounds. Then this is where my jaw dropped, like actual chills. Gideon made the discovery that there was a third victim, it wasn’t just Helen and Will. Their body was MIA, meaning that the unsub knew what they were doing, a professional killer perhaps. The cameras move two blocks down from the crime scene where the third victims body parts are being found in trashcans. Sorry, I was not kidding when I said this show does not hold back. oh and if any of you are wondering where Freddy is during all of this, well the third victim identity was revealed and it was Freddy.
Reid and Garcia start diving into Freddys connections, people that he knows and what their backgrounds are. They stumble on James Baker which turns out to be Jimmy who has previously been arrested for “attempted murder, armed robbery, petty theft, burglary, narcotic sales, and rape”. They rushed to Jimmys apartment and it was empty besides a glock 19 they found in the kitchen wall, they continue to look for him but found out that he is an undercover cop. Now a lot of people quickly enter into this situation in order for the team to find the unsub.
So Jim kept repeating a name, the name was Josh which the team identified as Special Agent Josh Cramer. They then tracked Cramer down and he agreed to work with them. Cramer knew Jim through a man named Michael Russo who had Jimmy working for him. Russo is then brought into the picture and asked to look at the crime scene, and based on the torture wounds on the victims. Russo gave Hotch a name…”vinny”.
Vinny was the nickname of Vincent Perrota, who is also the unsub. As they are looking for him, Vinny attacks Hotch and the BAU captures him. They search everything of his and find tapes he had of his victims being tortured, including Helen and William. The team gives him in and head back to Quantico, no jet this time just drivin!!