“I’ll Be Back”
– The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Terminator, A classic 1984 film American science fiction film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Kyle Reese, a soldier is sent back in time to protect Sarah.

How does Iron Man's nanotech suit in Infinity War work? - Quora

We all have at least watched, heard, or even read one of these types of sci-fi fiction, whether if it is in DC/Marvel comics or movies or tv shows such as Flash, Avengers, 2001-Space-odyssey, (any movie where technology is involved and misused) etc. and thought that its just a movie. The technology could ‘never’ exist and there would be no real world dominations of machine in near future. While it was true back then, when computers were just used to calculate spread sheets or do just math calculations in university research with maybe helpful applications in tele-communications and simple AOL messaging or 8-bit gaming.

However, since the full development of Web2.0 (and currently Web3.0) with the progress of mini-computer chips, the fictional world of Artificial intelligence AI and automation is closer than previously thought; even your current phone/computer that you’re using to view this blog is million times faster than the early 2000’s supercomputer. This advancement, although with few unintended consequences such as online hacking-phishing, has greatly impacted the civilian life by a huge factor. (Imagine if the pandemic happened 10 years ago, no ZOOM, no widespread social media, no way to communicate!!! life would be devastating!). Such as, in research about new materials by simulating physics, in psychology by using predictive outcomes by analysing mass population data, in healthcare scanning and autodetection of any tumours/cancers/illness, and the list goes on.

There is also a steady overall increase in computer performance, and portability, such as super smart watch/glasses that have enough power to “scan as you go”, or phones that can project videos on wall, or even nanorobotics that can re-edit out bad genes and replace it with a healthy one (to cure disabilities). All relates to the feed-back loop of self improvement-self machine learning. such as this video that’s fully rendered in a virtual environment, yet looks fully realistic: Marbles at night

The Singularity - H+Pedia

If this recursive self improvement algorithm goes haywire and crosses the human equivalence threshold, then what can stop it from learning further? because computers operate like billion times faster than we can think, then the computer can theoretically get “self awareness” within a few seconds of crossing that threshold, and it would learn faster and faster.(read life 3.0 ,-a book about it). Then is there a way to combat, or merge, or co-exist with this new species ?

To combat and avoid being prey to new predators, Elon Musk and other new companies are finding ways to merge human and metal to coexist with each other (companies such as OpenAi: researching on machine learning and how computers can technically write out essays for you with few words as input, Neuralink: an analogy to how SD cards are added to phones for storage, but its computers merging wih brain and being a delegate. Google and IBM too are working on similar technology).

If it does crosses the threshold in near 10 to 20 years in future, and turns out to be good then we might coexist in a more paradise environment. If not, then Doomsday.