If the universe is infinite, at least big enough for observable universe, then mathematically, there should be lots of alien life buzzing around – like in star trek/star wars, yet we did not find any so far. Are they truly out there hiding in the cosmos?, or are we just the only planet buzzing with life?, or are they out there so far that they couldn’t reach/wouldn’t care about us?

For thousands of years, mankind had predicted that there existed extra-terrestrial creatures, whether its the mythical creatures depicted on moons as artistic work on ancient scrolls, or whether its the dark scary humanoids like the SCP’s in the foundation series, in short, anything that seems out of world or weird, is alien.

Conclusion - Galileo Galilei

But with improvements in technology post renaissance era, and standardized scientific research, the whole concept of “alien life” changed. Once telescopes became more advanced and clearer, and planetary mappings were being drawn out, there were no visible evidence of any alien life on these planets/moons. however other possible theories, such as “hiding from us”/ “other side of planet” etc., would very well still be prevalent up until the 1960’s when humanity realized that space is not “full of life” as the pressure and temperatures outside is just too barren, and this fact of barren land further gets reinforced in the late 1960’s when humanity first landed on moon. no signs of life so far.

But this doesn’t mean that alien life doesn’t exist, infact, we have learnt more about the conditions where alien life could possibly exist, mainly: liquid water rich planet with land and a viable atmosphere. Although rare, it is possible. Possible enough to have at least a million life rich planets buzzing around in the milky way galaxy alone… or is it?

The Fermi Paradox - Wait But Why

If there exist a million life rich planets, then why is there radio silence out there ? it should have been buzzing with signals – loud and clear, but here is where the alien life paradox begins, also known as the “fermi paradox“: Basically, for complex intelligent life to evolve just like us, it should pass through “Great filters”, i.e. like beating a video game level you need to clear and pass a “boss fight”, where if you win you progress, if you loose, you loose. One such example is chlorophyll, the ability to utilize solar energy to ‘live’ and process complex reactions.

This could be one of the reasons why we haven’t met/observed alien life, it could be so microbial that the only way to know is to visit/observe with high precision. Another reason is that these civilizations exist but are currently in pre-technology age, such as discovery of fire/electricity. And lastly, could be so far away that the speed with which universe expands, is faster than light’s speed, hence never knowing about it. Or use unknown technology we didn’t know existed, like showing someone in the 80’s the new iphone, or went “Kaboom” with nuclear bombs, or in a sinister way, ‘they’ are spying on us already and “we are” the ones being observed.

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Nevertheless, not all hopes are lost as recently there seems to be some evidence of life on Venus!, yes Venus, the planet right next-door to earth! (this by the way very well resonates with this “I came looking for copper… and found gold!” meme), which could signify that there is hope and we just need to invent and innovate new technologies to detect these ‘aliens’, it just needs Time.