What if I sent that email yesterday,
What if my friend took the road not taken
What if you voted for the other candidate
What if….

Choices, Choices, Choices, and so many decisions. These tiny decisions impacts us in a compounded way. Who knew that you could have won the lottery, if you drank an extra glass of water 2 days ago, which might have lead you to go to the washroom, reminding you of checking your emails, then finding out the discount coupon and thus shopping, then you redeemed the receipt for a lottery ticket… oh well that “never” happened.

The True Science of Parallel Universes - YouTube

But what if it did happened and we are living in the alternate-one? what if there’s a whole another world that’s basically running parallel to what we are doing? What if for each action we take a whole universe splits into 2 or infinite? That’s the foundation for the parallel/multiverse theory.


The Creativity Post | The Infinite Monkey Theorem

Unlike the normal universe we all think we live in, in a multiverse scenario, every possible action already took place with every possible reactions, all the way from pre-universe to end of it. And since everything already occurred, then its safe to say that there will exist a timeline where a monkey basically typed out the complete works of Shakespeare ! Poor monkey. And since that’s possible, then its reasonable to say that a monkey wrote this exact blogpost 2 seconds before deadline … how meta.

Apart from the maths side, philosophically, this would mean that every action we take, already occurred and there is no “free will”, where all choices are already determined from beginning of time to end of it. doesn’t matter if you took the red pill or blue, both scenarios already occurred. (well, the matrix would be a boring movie in the alternate timeline, or maybe the internet wasnt a thing)

However, There’s a slight break/paradox to this… If there exist infinite universe, with everything already occurred, then there 100% exists a universe where there is no multiverse, breaking the entire space time conti—- ….. whatever.
Now that’s mind boggling!