What if it’s possible in the future to build space ships that can travel faster than light ? Would we actually visit the aliens and the galaxy, or will it be like the whole pre-industrial era colonisation scene again ? that’s for the future to decide. Wait, Star trek and star wars already exist… and we know how that ended up…

Aside from tv shows and movies, If it turns out that we can construct vessels and signals that can travel faster than light speed, that would turn out to be the greatest discovery-invention in modern science! Imagine the simplicity of visiting mars or any other planet within minutes, or calling your friend from the neighbouring solar system without that light-year delays, or playing games in near real-time! (Reminds me of that mission in ASTRO-7N course I took this semester. Its a fun course, do try it out!)

In terms of visiting extra-terrestrial systems, it could clear some doubts on the fermi paradox by travelling faster than the universe’s expansion rate, therefore eventually will visit many great alien civilizations (more info in my previous post link: Paradox of Alien Life). Maybe then utopia could be achieved with extreme advanced tech, literature and arts, life style, and games…

The Fermi Paradox - Wait But Why

Here’s the paradox, If it turns out that warp drives are possible, then the whole “The Great Filter” Theory would become more concerning since there’s a chance that other civilizations out there might have built it in the past, and couldn’t visit us due to ignorance (unlikely) or some roadblock out there that all peak civilizations fail to pass. Like how one just completes a midterm… only to realize that the finals are still left.

Although, I would very much like to own one lightsaber!

Nerd Level Stuff Ahead: Proceed with caution!
Realistically, Einstein era Physics says that no object can travel faster than light
(Special Relativity)
Because apparently instead of linear-increase of energy requirement, its actually exponential!
For example, if you pick up a rock that weighs 1 pound, you would do an effort of 1x
so for a 2 pound object, 2x effort, and so on for 50 pound objects too (50x effort)
but with Einstein's Weird theory and equations link: Mass in special relativity - Wikipedia
The Faster you move the more heavier you become (so don't go to gym).
Which would mean, more energy is required to even push/ increase the speed by 1m/s at
20% light speed and beyond. And at light speed, mass is infinite, and so energy required 
will be infinite,(and so would time-stretch) which is absurd in reality.
The only way to counteract this is to well, Warp the space around the vessel
so that the vessel can travel at normal speed, but space around it is "bending"
Or just pierce through the space itself

That's one way to break the universe...
anyway a lot has happened in the past 100 years,
including the recent successful landing of the perseverance rover on mars,
and the return to moon launch this decade,
lets see what new discoveries and inventions will happen in 100 more years!