Laptops came into existence since the 1980’s., and only recently in the last 10 years became a household necessity, but so did tablets, and large mobile phones, and desktop computers.. and consoles to name a few. But will laptops dominate the household race, or will it become integrated in such a way that every person might own a laptop, a phone, and other appliances (like a collection), or will it evolve into something else?

Introducing Lightbooks! thinner than a tablet, yet powerful as a desktop computer, lasts long with a 3 day long battery life (regular usage).

Jokes aside, this technology just recently arrived, in the latest macbook M1 lines, where it outperformed a super gaming computer, while having a very long battery life, and portable enough like a tablet.

This is rather ground breaking, as apart from regular net surfing and casual gaming, this power-compact upgrade in the tech market would mean faster launch of newer applications, accurate and precise research of experiments in mere minutes than hours, enabling people to be more productive, and also fast computation to create better video-editing products, so that even a regular person can produce IMAX quality short movies while sitting in their home in front of a green screen!

Apart from the obvious, since light books would be light and energy efficient, therefore less energy is spent in recharging laptops, and the light-weightiness could certainly replace textbooks and notebooks (touchscreen), provided the costs are economical. This combined with the microsoft’s mesh technology, could make virtual meetings anytime anywhere a really common thing, making those “in room hall meeting” types of conference kind of outdated, when you can attend one right in a park.

moreover, this could promote sustainable conservation and reusability of resources since technically, upgrading a laptop wont improve performances or other features by a large margin, since it is suffice for day to day applications. Unless ofcourse someone build a holographic version that can be wearable like glasses (oh wait.. google glass ?)