Spring 2024 Blog Ideas

My first idea for my “This I Believe” is the idea of protecting one’s peace and the strength and meaning behind that statement. Protecting one’s peace has become a new concept in my life, and I have found that in practice it has resulted in a healthier state of mind for me. My second idea for “This I Believe” is forgiveness and the healing effects forgiveness can have on the person doing the action and the other person receiving it. I also think that with the idea of forgiveness comes with a level of forgetting that reinforces the usage of forgiveness and its overall power.

For my “Personal is Political” (PP) blog, my stories are going to lean more to the free-ranging style of organization. I want to expound upon personal stories, such as being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and how the discussion of “Don’t Say Gay” laws have been a recurring political topic of discussion. Another story I would love to dive into would be my experience growing up as a Catholic and the role and protection of religion in American society, specifically in education.

When thinking of ideas for my Civic Issues blog, I immediately thought that the “Identities and Rights” category would be most intriguing for me. My first idea would be marriage equality in the United States and the treatment of same-sex couples. I also think this could relate to workplace discrimination and affirmative action in the workplace regarding certain minorities, whether on the basis of sexuality, religion, gender, etc. I have also always been interested in the role of the women in American society, specifically the impact of second-wave feminism from the 1960s and 1970s. As these two ideas relate to “Identities and Rights,” I could also see this blog going under the “Politics” category.

4 thoughts on “Spring 2024 Blog Ideas

  1. I think all of these topics sound really interesting, and I would love to hear more about them throughout the semester! I also think your idea for the Personal is Political blog will pair well with the concept of identities and rights for the Civic Issues blog. Good luck!

  2. Your topics sound very interesting, and I am excited to learn more about your views and what you have to discuss with these topics. I also believe your personal and civic blog ideas are also going to be extremely fun to discuss more about and without a doubt, extremely educational to both you and the reader.

  3. I love the concept of “protecting one’s peace” and I think that is a good statement for a lot of people to adopt, including myself. I think it would be interesting for the podcast in telling a story where you have protected your peace or a moment you didn’t and how you regretted that. This little statement also reminds me of some people’s inabilities to just left things that aren’t important go in order to, again, protect their own peace as well.

    I also grew up within religion, Christianity, and my experiences through religious groups and my family who are very religious has impacted me greatly as well. I haven’t ever considered the impact of religion specfically in education but that sounds very cool!

    I also was looking at ideas under the “Identities and Rights” categories and love the idea of exploring the role of Women during this period. It is also interesting to me the role during the first and second World Wars and how women had to take up most of the “man’s” work then how it once again flip-flopped once the wars were over. It is interesting to think about how the government/society as a whole pushes ideals like femminism only during times when it suits that group best.

  4. Hi Samuel! I love the idea of doing a “Protecting your Peace” blog for your “this I believe” blog. I think it’s super unique and it will definitely resonate with everyone who reads the blogs. As for your “Personal is Political” blog, I love your idea about sharing stories as a member of the LBGTQ+ community and tying that into politics. I think more stories like this need to be talked about in society and Id love to read them. And then for your last blog, I think your idea of diving into how people are treated differently (same-sex, gender discrimination, etc) is such a good idea, and there are definitely a bunch of different avenues to explore with that. Great job!

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