For my Elevator Pitch Proposal, I am sticking with the “Real Beauty” Campaign by Dove.
Did you know that the amount of money women spend on beauty exceeds the amount of money undergraduate in-state students pay for Penn State Tuition? On Byrdie, it says, “According to the study, the average woman spends about $313 per month on her appearance. This adds up to $3756 per year or $225,360 over the course of a lifetime.” ( Women are spending an unnecessary amount of money on beauty, with society pulling us in two very different directions. One side holds the unrealistic beauty standards that society sets up for us, playing into insecurities, and the other side is the body positivity and self-love side. The message of this campaign was emphasizing a woman’s natural beauty and how society often has high standards to make us look at ourselves and critique every part of ourselves in the mirror. But the way that other people see us proves that we are too hard on ourselves and usually people can see things we can’t. I would utilize ethos, pathos, and logos to investigate my piece. After all, I have the ethos of being a woman who has invested in beauty products, I could use pathos since most if not all people, including men, understand what it is like to play into societal roles or feel pressured to be something else, and logos would be all of the statistics of how much women play into the notion that we need external sources to make us “beautiful”. We ARE beautiful, naturally. Especially with more women-inclined movements, women are speaking up for themselves more often and more confidently. I am hoping that this analysis can help other people feel the most confident in their natural selves, and promote the self-love they deserve. Are you confident in who you are?
Thank you!
That is so crazy that women spend so much on beauty products over their lifetime. I believe the pressure of media is crazy in making us feel that our natural beauty isn’t enough, and I love that the idea of this campaign is to make us feel beautiful in our own skin. It is amazing for women empowerment as well since it is a female backed campaign!
Including the statistics really helps to emphasize your point and to make your argument even more convincing than it already is. Your use of ethos through personal experiences was very well done! I love the idea of this campaign and your argument proved why this campaign was necessary in the first place.
In your speech I love how you connected to our experience in college being compared to Instagram models, and how we should understand that we are still growing and it’s okay to no be perfect. I think it’s crazy how much money we spend on trying to fix our appearance instead of loving ourselves, and I think the message of the ad is amazing.
Great use of statistics to emphasize your point and persuade the audience! It’s insane to have the amount of money women spend on makeup. I think this campaign is important because it encourages us to love ourselves just the way we are.