Beauty standards are so different around the world and have changed so much in the past few years. Whether it is critiquing a person, usually a woman’s, face, body shape, skin color, height and more, not only is society our own worst critic but so are we. Luckily, while not completely shifted over, people have begun to fight back against this notion of being “perfect” and have instead opted for body positivity and self-love. Among the multiple campaigns all vying for women’s time and money, Dove is a company that has been promoting its slogan, “Beauty is for everyone.” However, in two of their campaign ads, there were two conflicting messages. The “Real Beauty” Campaign, along with the ad for Dove’s VisibleCare Body Wash, promote the ideology of beauty, but in very different ways. Regardless of how the campaign and ad are carried out, they are trying to emphasize beauty to their audience. By promoting their idea of beauty, Dove tries to play into the body positivity and self love market while still trying to get their customers to buy their products to attain their “natural” beauty.
My speech will be built on my speech from last week, with some more information about the new Body Wash ad I selected as my second artifact. I like how I led into my speech with the statistics, so I think I am going to do that again. I will just make it more compact so I can fit in the ad’s information while still maintaining the 3-4 minute range. I want to compare and contrast the campaign and ad, especially since the ad is so controversial and even can be seen as going against the “Real Beauty” Campaign. I think ending with analyzing how they accomplish their messages and their impact and reception is another important aspect to speak about.
I think it’s very interesting that you decided to pick contrasting advertisements from the same company. It really makes the audience think about what Dove’s true goal is and how they want to be perceived. I’m intrigued to see how you analyze these two artifacts!
I really liked the transition between the two differing ads from the same company. I think your essay is going to be great simply based off of how invested your hook and intro made me!