This week’s blog is going to deal with the self-care aspect of my blog. If you are anything like me, after a long day of school I just feel like climbing into my bed, snuggling under the blankets, and watching my phone. I know it isn’t the best for me, that maybe I should go to the gym or read, (which is also good for you but in different ways), but when I am brain dead it is sometimes nice to just watch a show.
Recently, there hasn’t been much coming out that I have been interested in. However, I did recently watch Squid Games. That was my intense show, but I also have the Great British Baking Show as my serotonin show. However, for the purpose of this blog I will be talking about Squid Games. While it was an extremely dark show, there was something to be said for the brilliance behind each directorial decision. I haven’t been able to really watch any shows since I have gotten here, so I thought every time I wanted to take a break and watch the show, when reasonable, I would. I am not saying find a show and put it before everything, but when you need a brain break it is okay to take one.
The show passed the viewing statistics of Bridgerton, which is incredible with the access we have to our media. In a rough summary, the show is about the main character who enters a contest where the players play childhood games to win money. All of the players are millions or billions of won in debt, which is Korean currency.This opportunity allows the players to pay off of their debts and enjoy some of the luxuries of life. However, there is a catch: when the game managers say they will be “eliminated”, none of the players initially know that that means to get shot. Over the course of the episodes, the players play a variety of childhood games that are popular in Korea, and the number of players dwindles episode by episode. I highly recommend watching it if you have not already…it is a bit gory, since there is blood every time someone gets shot, but you get highly invested into each character and their life story, so while it was a bit darker than I usually like, it was my brainless entertainment break.
Over Covid, apart from our daily family walks, we did not have much to do apart from watch shows and play games. Even coming out of quarantine, people have been quick to jump on new entertainment as soon as it comes out because it has been so slow for the past year and a half. Recently, season 3 of You has come out, and by no surprise it is number one on Netflix as of right now.
Whatever your preference is, it is important to take time to just absorb some entertainment and give yourself a break. I know we are all busy, but it is important to just relax and take time for yourself every now and then. So watch a new (or old!) show, whether for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour. You can decide your own break time too, so take one!
I have to admit I binge-watched Squid Game in the span of three days, I am honestly in awe of how popular it grew, and how quickly. I loved how it brought more attention to foreign-based television shows, and the importance of exploring other cultures.
Of course pretty soon after I deactivate my Netflix, a show like Squid Games comes out. It looks really interesting and part of me wants to get my Netflix back just to watch it. Totally agree with the feeling of wanting to just crawl into bed and watch TV after a long day.