Last plane ride, baby! This one will also be a hybrid trip consideration, so we are going to Bora Bora and/or the Maldives. Either way, it would be 12 hours to the Maldives from France, and 20 hours to Bora Bora. A nice beach vacation is what we all need by the time finals week is over. I think we are all pretty dead inside, so let’s be dead on a beach.
I knew I wanted to do one of the tropical islands for my last blog, and I was researching both. They are pretty similar in the core attractions, such as overwater bungalows and beaches. They are both very luxurious experiences, and this one website I was looking at,, was pointing out some key differences which were interesting. This blog will mainly be summarizing the main points, and my decision at the end.
The first thing brought up is accessibility. From the U.S., it says Bora Bora is better, but if we were theoretically flying from France, it says that the Maldives are more easily accessible. If I did end up going to the Maldives from Philadelphia, it would be a rough almost-24-hour flight. I think I would have to stop somewhere along the way or something like I would for New Zealand.
Another good point to think about is the cost. Writing theoretically, we have all the money in the world. But in reality, money is something important to consider. It says the Maldives are more affordable, between hotels and food.
The article goes on to talk about transportation, which does not really matter as much to me. It seems like Bora Bora recommends biking, while the Maldives recommends walking. Honestly, I do not really care. I like walking and biking, and if they both have nice weather, I have no preference.
One of the main considerations I would be thinking about is the food. They each have very different cuisines; Bora Bora has French-based food while the Maldives has a more Asian influence. I should not be so surprised that both draw heavily upon seafood, which does not thrill me, but I guess it would be okay. The website said that Bora Bora has good pastries, but the Maldives seems to have more variety in what they have to offer tourists to eat. The second image is Aluvi Boakibaa/Cassava Coconut Cake, which looks really good.
For activities, I would love to do some spa treatments at either place. When my family and I went to Puerto Rico, the girls and I all did a spa day, which was so nice between a massage and a facial. I am a sucker for both, so I would be happy either way. In addition to the resorts, it seems like Bora Bora offers more snorkeling and scuba diving, whereas the Maldives place a greater emphasis on their beaches and water activities such as kayaking and jet-skiing. However, both are pretty similar.
Honestly, through reading through this article, I think I would choose the Maldives over Bora Bora personally. The more and more I read, the more the Maldives appealed to me over Bora Bora. Therefore, all of the pictures are Maldives focused. But I am sure both are wonderful vacation spots!