
This week’s blog is going to deal with the self-care aspect of my blog.

Have you ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? I think it is. Usually a few minutes of laughing can make me feel better about anything. Organic, natural laughter is the best in my opinion, because I am not fighting any emotions and I am not trying not to laugh. Occasions like this are if I am sad or hurt and someone is trying to make me laugh. I end up feeling better anyway, but sometimes it is so awkward. I remember vividly when I broke my collarbone one of the head camp ladies complimented my socks, and they were from a shop called Do Trot In. She made a really awful joke and was like “Oh maybe I’ll have to trot in to get them.” Kudos to her, she was trying her best and she got me to feel a little bit better, if not only because throughout me tearing up I thought it such a bad joke. But even in the worst situations, a little bit of joy and laughter can light everything up. It reminds me of a Dumbledore quote: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Regardless of whether people love or hate Harry Potter, it is a solid quote. I also think of a Tik Tok video I have seen, where a man recorded him trying to “break out” of his coffin at his funeral. While he had passed away, the recording made his family laugh in the somber situation.

With this, I also wanted to do some research, and according to HelpGuide, there are a myriad of benefits, mentally and physically, of laughing, “Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.” Honestly, to combat the PSU Plague, we should just watch a bunch of funny videos. After all, won’t that strengthen our immune system? It also is no surprise that laughing also releases endorphins, and in college, especially during midterm and finals, laughter and happiness, just taking care of our mental health in general, is critical for our wellbeing.

One thing that I enjoyed doing with my brother, especially when we were younger, was watching AFV’s or FailArmy videos on YouTube. Whatever type of day I may have been having, those 7-12 minutes always lightened my mood. Laughing also strengthens relationships with those around you, like with my brother. While just tiny moments, I will always cherish them.

So your assignment this week is to laugh at something! Whether it is a video in this class that we watch or a Tik Tok or a movie or something your friend is doing, let go of everything and just laugh. Trust me, I have some funny videos if you need recommendations. Society forces us to become more serious as we grow up, and sometimes there are judgements based on how someone laughs or when they laugh. It doesn’t matter. Just be happy and laugh  🙂

Rhetorical Artifact Speech Reflection

I really do not mind giving speeches and presentations; in fact, depending on the subject, I may even enjoy it!

Emma’s comment was:

I really enjoyed your speech, I loved how you emphasized some of the points with raised volume and hand gestures. It was very eye-opening and drew me in with each of the points you made. I liked that I could tell the outline of your essay and it was easy to follow.

Kacie’s comment was:

Your speech was great! Even though it was through a computer, you were able to connect with the audience by maintaining eye contact with the camera and speaking at a steady pace. The message behind the advertisement and your speech are something that many people need to hear. Well done!

I think I usually have a strong delivery. If I have to work on something, usually it is my pacing but here Kacie said that I spoke at a steady pace which was good. Since I was giving my speech to the computer, it was tricky at first to figure out where to look because I looked at the green dot, but even then it looked like I was looking slightly off. I also tried not to rely on my notes or outline too much. Emma had a really great hook, and Kacie had an easy to follow outline. I think one thing everyone needs to work on is eye contact, but that is more because we are looking at our computer screen. I think overall people did a really great job.

Rhetorical Artifact Essay Rough Draft and Speech Outline

Essay Rough Draft

3 inches. According to Psychology Today, this is the height difference that most men prefer in a partner. Standards are also to be on the thinner, athletic side, with some curves, long hair, and natural makeup. Society dictates what women should be and wear and look like all the time. Whether it is critiquing a person, usually a woman’s, face, body shape, skin color, height and more, not only is society our own worst critic but so are we. Luckily, beauty standards have started to shift over and have begun to fight back against this notion of being “perfect” and have instead opted for body positivity and self-love. Among the multiple campaigns all vying for a woman’s time and money, Dove is a company that has been promoting its slogan, “Beauty is for everyone.” However, in two of their campaign ads, there were conflicting messages. The “Real Beauty” Campaign, along with the ad for Dove’s VisibleCare Body Wash, promotes their slogan but in very different ways. Regardless of how the campaign and ad are carried out, their goal is the same: to emphasize their audience’s beauty and build up confidence. In Dove’s “Real Beauty” Campaign and VisibleCare Body Wash Campaign, Dove utilizes pathos, rhetorical situation, and representation to promote the body positivity and self-love market while still trying to get their customers to buy their products to attain their “natural” beauty.

The ”Real Beauty” Campaign was created to encourage women to feel beautiful. Women described themselves to a forensics artist, and then another person described the same woman. The results were that everyone’s second portrait was happier and “prettier”. This invokes pathos, making women viewing the ad feel like this could be them. Especially since the women were ordinary women, many audience members may have found a similar face. Representation and diversity are hot words of today and Dove certainly attained them by having subjects of different ethnicities and ages. Beauty and confidence are ideas that do not disappear with age, especially the feeling of insecurity and urge to fit. Personally, having an Asian woman on screen grabbed my attention the most as she was someone who looked like me. Campaigns get more attention when they make their audience feel something, and many women in the conclusion of the video were getting emotional at their second drawing, causing the audience to also possibly get emotional. Reflecting, they were more grateful for their features and believed that the way they perceived themselves had a critical impact on their happiness. This has significance as this campaign was a response to a study where a miniscule percentage of women described themselves as beautiful. Dove’s timely response to the rhetorical situation led to a possibly more effective ad than it originally would have been because this study supported the fact that more women need to feel more beautiful and confident in themselves. Dove’s strategic utilization of everyday women at the time that the ad came out was a tactical strategy for an effective ad.

Dove’s VisibleCare Body Wash Campaign on the other hand was very controversial and promoted the idea that women needed a product to feel beautiful and “clean”. This also utilized the lens of representation, having a Black, Latino, and White woman on the cover. Dove again tried to check the boxes of the hot words of representation and diversity. However, the campaign raised a few eyebrows with the positionings of the models. The Black model was under the “dirty” side, with the Latino model next and the White model under the “clean side”. The visual rhetoric here depicts three happy women, feeling “clean” from Dove’s product. Similar to the “Real Beauty” Campaign, the ad utilizes pathos since the ad attempts to get women to want to feel the way that the models are displaying. The visuals here can say a lot in a few to little words while still promoting the emotions that Dove is hoping to promote: desire to look and feel beautiful, clean, and happy like the models. However, what the ad actually indicated may be less what the company had intended it for. Dove’s misuse of representation caused a domino effect of failing to get their audience to want to feel like their models and buy their product and instead just feel confused and skeptical.

Regardless of whether the ads actually got their message through or not to their audience, there is no denying that Dove makes an attempt at knowing their audience. One of the biggest keys in having an effective campaign is having your audience feel the same way you feel or getting them to feel the way you want them to feel. In this case, Dove wanted their audience to feel beautiful and more confident.  The way that they carried this out in both campaigns is very different though; the “Real Beauty” Campaign wasn’t promoting a product, just their message, while the VisibleCare Body Wash Campaign was clearly promoting a product. Not only is the body wash almost undermining the original message by indicating that women need the product to feel beautiful, but the way that Dove also severely messed up their representation makes people think twice about the brand they want to support. Indicating that all women, regardless of age or ethnicity, are beautiful in the “Real Beauty” Campaign attracted many in their audience because seeing someone like you in the media has a significant impact on the emotionality and effectiveness of the ad and emphasizes the idea that beauty is for everyone. However, indicating that women need Dove’s product to be beautiful, especially in their not-so-subtle placement of their models leads to a different emotionality and not as effective ad.

With the high percentage of women who do not feel beautiful, Dove also had an opportune moment to boost women’s morale and confidence with a well-timed ad. While the “Real Beauty” Campaign may have hit the nail right on the head, the VisibleCare Body Wash ad may have injured the audience’s morale by indicating they need a body wash to be clean and beautiful, that they need to use this product to be happy. Understandably, they are trying to promote a product, but by implicating that people should use it to feel good, they are undermining their own message of feeling good in your own skin. Reflecting on how the ads make someone feel, the “Real Beauty” Campaign has a feel-good, wholesome message of accepting who you are, embracing it even. The VisibleCare Body Wash ad instead makes women reflect on their natural state and question are they “clean”, and therefore beautiful, possibly targeting some women’s insecurities. One ad’s utilization of their audience’s pathos led to a sweet message, while the other led to feelings of self-doubt or skepticism.

Dove is a well-known brand that is seen in every CVS or grocery store. As a company that plays into the beauty market, they understandably have constructed ads and campaigns to promote beauty and confidence in their consumers. However, when appealing to an audience with a wide variety of women with different viewpoints on themselves and their beauty, there has to be a strategic way to empathize with the audience, comfort them, and make them feel good. Dove’s “Real Beauty” Campaign strategically created an ad that spoke to many women about their not feeling alone in feeling insecure, or not beautiful, and promoted the idea of a woman’s natural beauty. The VisibleCare Body Wash ad used all of the same strategies, but in a more questionable way that led to a less effective message and promotion of their product. It is tricky to promote all of the right messages with such a diverse audience, but companies like Dove will keep creating ads that possibly check all of the key boxes to having an effective message.


For the speech, this is my general outline:

Start with beauty spending statistics as a hook

Transition it into background of the “Real Beauty” Campaign

Utilize pathos, representation, and rhetorical situation -> Survey came out that “only 2% of women around the world would describe themselves as beautiful”, as well as the current atmosphere with COVID and beauty

Emphasize impact on us as college students/active consumers

Conclude with goal and thank you

Spooky Season!

This week’s blog is going to deal with the self-care aspect of my blog. This was an activity that promoted self-care and fun.

I don’t know about you, but this is one of the most stressful weeks of college that I have experienced so far. Everything is ramping up, everyone has had their first, possibly second midterms, and finding time to do things you genuinely enjoy is scarce. I do my homework in every break I have, utilizing all of my free time for school. However, I do have a policy of having one day to not even look at homework, and for now that day is Saturday. With football games being on Saturday, it depends on when the game is to decide on what to do.


This week, it was the start of spooky season! You know what that means!! Fall vibes, apple picking, pumpkin picking, cinnamon spiced scents, a cute orange and brown color scheme, and comfy sweaters. When I was at home, my friend and I always went apple picking in September to mark the beginning of spooky season. While I am not at home, that does not mean I have to stop my tradition. My friends and I decided to go apple picking on Saturday, and it was so fun! It was definitely a good chance to get my mind off of my upcoming chem exam, due homework, and long projects. It was a farm that was 3 miles off campus, and we Ubered there. The farm has a cute little stand with fall flavored foods; there were hot dogs, with the option of sauerkraut or chili as toppings, bowls of chicken noodle soup or chili, candied apples, and apple cider donuts. I got a hot dog with chili and an apple cider donut…not only is self-care doing something you enjoy, but also eating food you enjoy!


I was also the “mom” of my friend group in high school, and that included taking all of the pictures for the group and reminding them we needed pictures. This occasion was no exception! We probably spent 3 times more taking pictures than actually picking apples, and in the end I had only actually picked 7 apples. But it was outrageously fun taking pictures by ourselves, in pairs, and in groups, and I was so happy. This was definitely the much needed break after a long, tiring week, and I am looking forward to making more memories with my friends, especially for turkey season and Christmas.


I encourage you to take time for yourself, whether by yourself or with friends or family. Especially for spooky season, there are so many fun opportunities coming up! Go apple picking, paint some pumpkins, even go to Trader Joe’s (which we did by the way) and pick up some yummy food! Wear that cute outfit and take those cute pics! Also with Halloween coming up, pick out a fun costume and get dressed up with your friends! Whatever it is, take some fun spooky time for yourself and enjoy the spooky season!

Artifact Essay Introduction

Beauty standards are so different around the world and have changed so much in the past few years. Whether it is critiquing a person, usually a woman’s, face, body shape, skin color, height and more, not only is society our own worst critic but so are we. Luckily, while not completely shifted over, people have begun to fight back against this notion of being “perfect” and have instead opted for body positivity and self-love. Among the multiple campaigns all vying for women’s time and money, Dove is a company that has been promoting its slogan, “Beauty is for everyone.” However, in two of their campaign ads, there were two conflicting messages. The “Real Beauty” Campaign, along with the ad for Dove’s VisibleCare Body Wash, promote the ideology of beauty, but in very different ways. Regardless of how the campaign and ad are carried out, they are trying to emphasize beauty to their audience. By promoting their idea of beauty, Dove tries to play into the body positivity and self love market while still trying to get their customers to buy their products to attain their “natural” beauty.

My speech will be built on my speech from last week, with some more information about the new Body Wash ad I selected as my second artifact. I like how I led into my speech with the statistics, so I think I am going to do that again. I will just make it more compact so I can fit in the ad’s information while still maintaining the 3-4 minute range. I want to compare and contrast the campaign and ad, especially since the ad is so controversial and even can be seen as going against the “Real Beauty” Campaign. I think ending with analyzing how they accomplish their messages and their impact and reception is another important aspect to speak about.


This week’s blog is going to deal with the self-care aspect of my blog. As everyone knows, the freshman “plague” is going around. I am lucky because I have a very good immune system and I usually do not get too sick, but I think I have a small version of it. It was sort of inevitable, but I am just grateful it is not too bad. It is important to take care of ourselves in general, but especially when we are sick.

An aspect from home that I miss is my mom’s cooking. Today was a major self-care day to deal with this “plague” before it gets too bad, and one of those aspects was getting Panera Chicken Noodle Soup from the Commons. Obviously it can’t beat my mom’s homemade soups, but it is as good as it gets in college. I heated it up in the microwave and just sat down and took some time for myself in the break between two of my classes. Food and drinks are an important way to deal with colds, so along with the soup I also bought some orange juice, as well as a peppermint hot tea. Herbal teas especially are really nice when you are sick.  Along with peppermint, some of the other best teas to drink when sick are chamomile, ginger, and green. So number one, I recommend drinking some tea when you are not feeling well, as well as orange juice with its Vitamin C. Number two, I recommend eating some soup, or another food that reminds you of home comforts because I know food is a big comfort for me.

Some more aspects that will also help include sleep and hydration. I know personally that college has sort of wrecked my sleep schedule. I was always a morning bird, and never a night owl. Here, I have been staying up later and waking up earlier. So number three, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. I always find it so funny when all of these studies come out explaining how important sleep is for people our age, yet we almost never get the amount of sleep that is necessary consistently. I know that I am someone who likes to get ahead of things and I am sort of a workaholic, but treat yourself once or twice a week, say that this is tomorrow’s problem, and go to bed earlier than you usually would so you catch up on some sleep. Our body is trying to fight off the cold, and one of the best things we can do to help is to rest. Number four, hydration. I know I never drink enough water. If I’m lucky, I will drink one bottle a day. However, hydrating, especially during a cold, is so important. It helps our body function, and it also helps loosen congestion. In general, I know that these are aspects that I will pay attention to more this week so I can get over this little bug. Make sure to take breaks for yourself…it is okay to relax and just focus on yourself while you get better.


The other day on Tik Tok I saw a very wholesome video. It was a mother-daughter duo, with the mother being white and the daughter being mixed. Her mom was styling her hair, and they were saying affirmations to themselves and each other. Her daughter is entering Pre-K, and she said, “I am beautiful. I am strong. I am careful. I love my curls.” Then her mother said, “I am kind. I am patient. I share with my friends. I define my own beauty. I am confident.” They ended by saying, “We are going to have a good day.” They repeated each other after each one said their affirmation, and I think it is so adorable. I also think it is good parenting…it is so important to establish a child’s confidence early on, and especially since they have different hair textures, affirming her NATURAL beauty is so important. I especially loved that her daughter said, “I love my curls.” Like YES QUEEN!

It is so important, especially as we grow up, to be confident in ourselves and love ourselves. Sometimes it is easier said than done though, especially when intrusive thoughts enter. I will elaborate more on the affirmation part, but while we are on the overthinking part, I saw this really helpful tip on Tik Tok. Next time you are overthinking something, ask yourself, “Who told you that?” I find that to be extremely helpful, and I encourage you to try it the next time you are overthinking something.

Back to the affirmation part, I did some research on affirmations, and they work! According to Healthline, thinking through doing something stimulates the same part of the brain of actually doing the thing. This can encourage your brain to think this is true. However, you do actually have to follow through to make the thing actually true. But repeating affirmations to yourself before a test, a presentation, even just starting your day, does work. It changes your mindset with neuroplasticity. which is always important when you start down a pessimistic or downgrading path.

Healthline has some tips on how to make affirmations more effective:

  1. Set them in the present – Act as if you have already succeeded
  2. Avoid stock affirmations – Create a personal affirmation that matters to you
  3. Keep it real – Make sure your affirmations are achievable

They also advised:

  1. Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day.
  2. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.
  3. Ask a trusted loved one to help.
  4. Make your routine consistent.
  5. Be patient.

I actually have specific affirmations that I repeat to myself when I wake up and when I go to bed. I am lucky because I am confident in who I am and I love who I am, and I think it helps to remind yourself daily of positive things. This is the idea behind my blog, because I have repeated affirmations for a while, and I was thinking when I saw the Tik Tok how great the practice is, and Healthline just supported it. I encourage everyone to think of what they love or appreciate about themselves, make it an affirmation, and repeat it! We are all deserving of self-love!!

(Disclaimer: There is a section at the bottom of when they might not work, but I chose to focus on the positive part 🙂 )


Emma’s Elevator Pitch

As a woman, I feel like the Heartbeat Bill is a topic that all women should be concerned about. I cannot imagine being a woman in a state where my own reproductive rights are threatened.

In terms of the presentation, I like how Emma talked loudly but at a moderate pace…I could clearly understand what she was saying. Also giving some background information was great as we could understand her POV better, and she barely used her notes as well. She used her gestures purposefully.

The speech which was the artifact is definitely an intriguing one. More and more people our age are speaking up and using their voices to incite change, and this is a perfect example. Paxton Smith utilized her platform to spread her message, and rather courageously I might add. Fearing the microphone will get shut off during your own speech is terrifying, but she did it. Sometimes taking a risk is necessary. This speech can be seen through many lenses, including a source of trust, pathos, the rhetorical situation of exigence, and even possibly representation. After all, a lot of the lawmakers who are making decisions about this topic are men. Like Emma said, these people say “my body, my choice” when referring to wearing masks, but they are hypocrites when it comes to reproductive rights. We need more women in the seats of the people who are making these decisions, as the representation that needs to be there is not. Abortion is always a highly contested topic, but it does not make sense for people to be making these decisions when this issue does not apply to them. Most women do not even know they are pregnant by the 6-week period. I think it’s important to speak up about this topic, to advocate for ourselves.


Hey everyone!

So this is my first Passion Blog! It will be focused on self-care and self-love. For each of the self-care activities, I will dive into each one with my thoughts. For me, a huge aspect of self-care is taking a break from academics when I have worked for a long time. One of my favorite downtime activities includes watching a good TV show or movie, and I am always down for recommendations! Feel free to comment some of your favorites 🙂

Obviously, there are very different genres depending on how you’re feeling/how you want to feel. I know I usually love a good rom-com or a good serotonin movie. Some of my favorites include Mamma Mia (what is your favorite song?!), Ocean’s 8, The Greatest Showman, Crazy Rich Asians, Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, Miss Congeniality, Notting Hill, 10 Things I Hate About You, and The Holiday. I could go on but those are just some of the best rom-coms/chick flicks. If I feel like watching a TV show, one of my favorite serotonin shows is The Great British Baking Show. Sometimes I feel like watching a nerve-wracking murder mystery or an adrenaline pumping action movie, like Murder on the Orient Express, Knives Out, or Clue, or a Marvel movie. Whatever the case, it is good to just get down with a fluffy blanket and a bowl of popcorn.

Lately, I was down to try something new instead of watching an old comfort. I was with my friend after a long day of working on homework, and we just wanted to watch a light movie that we could just laugh at. My friend recommended that we watch one of her favorites, Freaky Friday. I love movies with the kind of older, sillier vibe, so I agreed. I had heard of the movie before, so I was excited to watch it.

First of all, criteria.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Watchability: Would watch again

The movie is basically about this mother-daughter duo who do not see eye to eye on anything. They eat a magical fortune cookie and it swaps their bodies, so that Tess is Anna and Anna is Tess. They have to learn how to love each other again to get swapped back. Even though this is a silly, feel-good movie, I think some of the messages are valuable or at least relatable.

For one, people cannot judge each other’s lives until they have walked in each other’s shoes. Parent-child relationships are  special. However, sometimes they are strained like in the movie. It takes a magical fortune cookie to bring Tess and Anna together, from Tess seeing how hard being a teenager in high school really is to Anna seeing how much her mother does for her and her family. There are definitely very humorous parts that had my friend and I laughing together, as well as some very sentimental moments. At the end of the movie, we both felt so much more relaxed, especially since laughter is a great source of stress relief. Whether it is Freaky Friday or some other show or movie, treat yourself and watch something! You deserve it!

Overall Rating of Activity: 5/5

Elevator Pitch Proposal

For my Elevator Pitch Proposal, I am sticking with the “Real Beauty” Campaign by Dove.

Did you know that the amount of money women spend on beauty exceeds the amount of money undergraduate in-state students pay for Penn State Tuition? On Byrdie, it says, “According to the study, the average woman spends about $313 per month on her appearance. This adds up to $3756 per year or $225,360 over the course of a lifetime.” ( Women are spending an unnecessary amount of money on beauty, with society pulling us in two very different directions. One side holds the unrealistic beauty standards that society sets up for us, playing into insecurities, and the other side is the body positivity and self-love side. The message of this campaign was emphasizing a woman’s natural beauty and how society often has high standards to make us look at ourselves and critique every part of ourselves in the mirror. But the way that other people see us proves that we are too hard on ourselves and usually people can see things we can’t. I would utilize ethos, pathos, and logos to investigate my piece. After all, I have the ethos of being a woman who has invested in beauty products, I could use pathos since most if not all people, including men, understand what it is like to play into societal roles or feel pressured to be  something else, and logos would be all of the statistics of how much women play into the notion that we need external sources  to make us “beautiful”. We ARE beautiful, naturally. Especially with more women-inclined movements, women are speaking up for themselves more often and more confidently. I am hoping that this analysis can help other people feel the most confident in their natural selves, and promote the self-love they deserve. Are you confident in who you are?

Thank you!