Author: cws18

Congratulations to Joanne Niemkiewicz!

Joanne was selected as a recipient of Duquesne University’s 2023 Dukes from the Last Decade Awards based on her “professional excellence, commitment to service, and dedication to Duquesne University.” Way to go, Joanne!

Summer undergraduate research awards

Congratulations to Jackie Stochel and Kate Dinsmore, who were awarded funding from Penn State to fund their summer undergraduate research!

Kate Dinsmore received a Judith Kroll Undergraduate Research Award to help fund her Honor’s Thesis titled “Does bilingualism lead to linguistic and non-linguistic cognitive reserve in adults with aphasia?” This work will help tease apart the role of bilingualism in language control vs. cognitive control. 

Jackie Stochel received an Erickson Discovery Grant (story in Penn State News) to fund the examination of how concreteness ratings change in aging. This project goes hand-in-hand with her undergraduate Honor’s Thesis of how brain activation of concreteness changes with aging.

Well done!

Congrats Graduates!

So proud of our 2020 graduates who braved the pandemic edition of graduation. Well done Matt, Carina, Hannah, Nafea, Sierra, and Caroline!

Undergraduate Exhibition

Lucia and Alex presented their work at the Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition. They did a fantastic job explaining their clinical case study showing the benefits of training abstract words in a bilingual individual’s nondominant language.

Congratulations to Dominick DiMercurio II

Congratulations to Dominick DiMercurio II, who has been selected as an award recipient for the NIH Outstanding Scholars in Neuroscience Award Program (OSNAP). “OSNAP is designed to recognize and support those who are conducting exceptional research across the nation and have great academic potential in their scientific training.” As part of this award, Dominick has been invited to visit NIH in Bethesda and present his work to and meet with members of the NIH community, such as Program Officers and PIs. Well done, Dominick!

Congrats Lab Graduates!

Susan Kim, Cassie Race, Iyari Tolmos, and Julia Hershey graduated with an M.S. in Speech Language Pathology and will begin their Clinical Fellowships to earn their Certificates of Clinical Competence.

Rachael Kershner, Corinne Leach, and Nicolette Khosa graduated with a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Rae will be volunteering at an aphasia center in Maryland. Cori will be attending Temple University. Nikki graduated with honors from the Schreyer’s Honors College.

Spotlight: Erin Carpenter

Erin was awarded a PIRE fellowship to collect data at the University of Granada in Summer 2017. Read about the project here.

Spotlight: Erika Exton

Erika just finished a study in the Netherlands. Read about it here:

Congrats recent grads!

Congratulations to Megan Richiger and Christina Rossi, who’ve earned an M.S. in Speech Language Pathology! Good luck during your Clinical Fellowship Year!

Congratulations to Rachel KinKade, who earned a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders and has been accepted into the M.S. SLP program here at Penn State! We are excited that she is going to continue to work in the lab!

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