- Imagine sitting in a huge stadium, everyone around you screaming in excitement, bright spotlights everywhere, and on stage is… video games? Although the Wells Fargo Center is typically used for hockey games or concerts, on September 29 of this year it was sold out for the Overwatch League Grand Finals.
- E-Sports has massively increased in popularity since it originated, and is still rapidly growing. In the 1980s, esports featured games such as Quake, StarCraft, and Street Fighter. Nintendo World Championship (1990), Blockbuster World Game Championship (1990), Quake Red Annihilation (1997)
- Prize pools: Recognition, car: quake, $10k bond + gold painted car + mario statue + 40” tv (Nintendo)
- In 2016, the League of Legends Championship had 43 million streams, twitch.tv over 100 million
- Causes of eSports growth: Organization (ex: in Korea government regulation), business investment, technology advancement, increased media coverage, collegiate/high school growth, human strive for improvement/competition, became a viable job
- Essentially e-Sports pushing to resemble traditional sports besides tech advancement
- Relevance today: Growing popularity for entertainment, push for Olympic legitimization, stadium in Philly, business
E-Sports – Electronic video games played competitively
Talk about similarities to standard sports as well
Early E-Sports: StarCraft, Quake, CS1.6… (1990s-2010)
Evolving E-Sports: League of Legends, CS, Starcraft II, Dota (2011-Present)
Would it be useful to also dispel misconceptions about e-sports/gaming here too, or save it for the point of contention later on?
The main point for growth of e-sports:
Technology: Advancements in technology decrease cost for systems, improvements in peripherals decrease the impact of random factors to increase competitiveness, increase in accessibility
Organization: Ex: Korean E-Sports Association provides infrastructure and standardization of rules which allow successful tournaments. The most successful esports have had strong infrastructure (Overwatch League, CS, League), e-Sports orgs (FNATIC, NRG, ENVY, FAZE, MLG)
Business Investment: Many businesses invest in esports as a growing industry, which helps to fund tournaments and stuff etc. companies also sponsor individual players to both help their own public image and boost the publicity of the individual
Media Coverage: Korea: TV channels since the early 2000s, twitch.tv streaming platform, amazon signed rights for overwatch streaming rights, Disney broadcasts esports, journalism of esports
Collegiate/high school growth: Scholarships for prospective esports athletes by various colleges, TESPA, allows players to compete while still getting an education
Strive for improvement: the natural human tendency to want to improve/be the best at what they enjoy.
(this is how esports and most sports started!)
Viable job/lifestyle: Players make high salaries plus winnings, oftentimes live in team houses w/ chef, trainers, therapists,
Reasons for relevance:
Growing viewership for entertainment: predicted 300m viewers and 2 billion pound net worth by 22 (British e-sports association)
Push for Olympic legalization – potential 2024 Olympic esports, held committee meeting previously and was open to the idea
Business – lots of potential money to be made from the marketing of teams/players, merchandising, broadcasting, journalism, competition
Example of relevance: Comcast building first dedicated eSports arena in Wells Fargo Complex
Point of contention: some do not recognize esports as a sport, media depicts esports as a cause for violence such as shootings in US, despite other countries with larger esports scenes having extremely few violent acts (Korea, Japan)
eSports is a rapidly growing, newer form of entertainment that is likely to increase in popularity and relevance
Could eventually morph into a much more standardized organization like standard sports
https://search-proquest-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/docview/1957210294/fulltext/6FA4DF7B9B354199PQ/1?accountid=13158 – Newtex Global Business Blog
https://search-proquest-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/docview/1848145835?accountid=13158 – Newstex Global Business Blog
https://journals-sagepub-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/doi/10.1177/1555412019840892 – Sage Journals (esports lit published per year chart)
http://thenespage.com/2017/04/1990-nintendo-world-championships/ – nintendo WC prize
https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/17919126/2016-league-legends-worlds-prize-pool-507m-fan-contributions – league 2016 prize pool
http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=5e450365-8a68-43cf-9cd1-912f8a5d5bb4%40sdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=124181296&db=s3h – student athlete
https://academic-oup-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/itnow/article/61/3/28/5552608 – predicted viewership & industry worth
https://www.olympic.org/news/olympic-movement-esports-and-gaming-communities-meet-at-the-esports-forum -olympic