Using the Frame
When starting the first part of this assignment I was thinking… boy is this hard! After a while, it started to feel as though I was taking the same exact photo, which in some cases I did. However, doing the assignment for a longer than average time, allowed me to capture sweet moments like Avery grinning to a comment made from the peanut gallery, and it had me photograph unexpected things like the shoes, instead of the face. I will take what I learned from this assignment to see what I can do with changing the framing, and see what effect it has on my photography.
Shooting from the Hip
I just gotta say it, I had a lot more fun doing this part of the assignment than the framing portion. I felt as though I was a bird being set free from a cage! I decided to become a trigger-happy photographer and take pictures of anything and everything. From angles as low as my feet to as high as above my head, I captured everything around me. Many did come out blurry, and I believe that was caused by my constant moving to take multiple of the area I saw. I didn’t want to stop walking because I felt if I did I would try to make a perfect picture, so I kept walking! did I get a bunch of stares? Yes, but I don’t care, it was a lot of fun being able to let loose!