When I was younger, talking about myself embarrassed me and I didn’t like to talk in front of a lot of people at once. It was a process, and I eventually grew up and realized that there’s no reason to be so ashamed of things that have happened in my life. Bad things happen to everyone so why not just laugh about it, yanno? So my advice for this blog is for you to open up to people. Talk about those embarrassing moments when you were little or even the rough middle school days (yes we all had them we just try not to relive them). I’m going to talk about those moments now!! I’m hoping it’ll help bring you out of your shells as well!
Allllllllrighty so some of these stories are just hilarious to me now. I’m laughing just thinking of how sheltered I was as a kid.
So my first story, I was three years old, so don’t judge me too harshly for this. I went on vacation for the first time with my family to Ocean City MD. I love it there, people from home like to call it Ocean Shitty but I don’t believe in that. So anyway, we’re in the lobby of the hotel and I see this black woman and loudly ask my mother, “Mommy why is her skin brown?” -_- please forgive me I was three need I remind you. Naturally my mom apologized to the woman and everything was fine. BUT….the next day comes along….and I said the SAME THING TO THE SAME WOMAN. I am the worst I really am. I hope the woman didn’t take offense to that I really do, I’m not that kind of person really.
SECOND!! Hahahaha I just love remembering these stories of myself. So when I was probably six or seven-ish I tried something new! My brother and I always spent the entire day outside playing any game we could come up with. We hated being in the house, especially during the summer. So my brother, as boys do, stood towards a tree at one point because he had to pee. And ambitious little me thought “wow that looks easy let me try!” I won’t get too into detail, but I obviously don’t have the same “parts” as my brother so this ended up being a challenge for me. Instead of simply unzippering my pants like he did, I had to completely strip down where my lower half was concerned and try to pee. You can probably guess that the pee never really reached the tree, but rather went all over my underwear and shorts. I learned that day that girls can’t do everything boys can do.
Oh my goodness this is a good one, we’ll end with a good old middle school embarrassing story. So we’re sitting at lunch in fifth grade. I sat at a table with my crush and of course we flirted by messing with each other just like any tween would do to show their affection. Everyday at the end of lunch they turned the lights out to quiet us so we could walk back to our rooms by class. So my crush, his name was Austin lol, were messing around and he took my history homework that I was doing during lunch and I got super mad (but in a flirty way of course, you guys know what I mean) and I smacked him on the back. Not like a little nudge or anything, a full on thump that everyone heard because I did it right when the lights were shut off and everything was completely silent. The librarian, who was there for lunch duty, approached me and told me I’d be spending a week at the bad kids table (which for anyone who doesn’t know it’s just an isolated table where all the really bad kids sit so they are separated from their friends during lunch). I was so embarrassed, my face looked like a tomato for real. My friends were cracking up and Austin later on told me he was surprised at how hard I could hit…in which he was totally flirting with me guys like it’s totally obvious. But anyway the next week was very lonesome for me, but I got to hang out with the bad kids in the grade, and it made me feel pretty cool. So don’t mess with me, this is a formal warning.
Alrighty well I hope you enjoyed these terribly embarrassing stories of mine, please if you have a funny story of your own, comment about it. I would love to read about it.
How to Get Over an Embarrassing Moment