Personal Growth

We hear the term “personal growth” a lot in our lives. Questions on college applications sometimes ask “how did you grow from this” and lots of people have new year’s resolutions of work on “self-improvement,” but since it is subjective, it is often hard to rank your personal growth. Moreover, how do we grow? It’s Read More…

Stress, Good or Bad?

If there’s one thing I felt this past week, it was stressed. Last week and this past Monday were probably the most academically challenging days at Penn State for me so far, so I’m coming off my stress high right now with lots of New Girl. It just so happens that today in my Biobehavioral Read More…

Home <3

These past few days I’ve been thinking a lot about my hometown and summer memories. I was looking back through my BeReals yesterday, and after I just felt so good, and I’m sure you’ve all felt the same way after looking back at old photos. For this blog post, I thought I’d do a little bit Read More…


For this week’s health and wellness post, I thought it would be pretty timely to share some ideas about meditation as exams and the stress of college workloads start to hit hard. I’ll be honest, I don’t get around to meditating a lot. I can recognize times where I know I would benefit from a Read More…

Passion Blog Ideas

I’ve been really motivated to go to the gym and work on myself recently, so I thought I could do a health & wellness type of blog. I could share stress-relieving tips, write about things that make me happy, self-care, keep myself honest about going to the gym by sharing that day’s or week’s workouts, Read More…