Paradigm Shift Essay Idea

The topic I want to cover for the paradigm shift assignment varies; I want to cover either the progression of feminism and how it has become more popular and socially ‘acceptable’ to say you are a feminist, how inspiring political figures have come to be viewed as ‘cool’ such as RBG in “Notorious RBG”, or LGBTQ+ rights and their place/acceptance in society.

I want to choose one of these topics because I feel like they are all very important in their own ways. The increasing feminist icons and acceptance of feminism have led to more widespread gender equality and a shift in gender norms. The popularity of important political figures has allowed younger generations to be more involved and interested in the government and wanting to enact change in the United States. And the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and societal acceptance is astonishing; to see the strength of those who fought for these rights and seeing how a great amount of society has shifted their beliefs to accept those who are different is absolutely incredible, and it is also interesting to see the difference of views and values shared between generations in relation to this topic.

Things I would want to cover would be the history of each topic in that, I would show the difference between say fifty or sixty years ago to today, even ten years ago versus today. Also touching on the importance each has in not only American society but globally as well, and address stereotypes about each and say whether or not I disagree/agree with them and why.


RCL #4

Categories: RCL

0 thoughts on “Paradigm Shift Essay Idea

  1. I think you have some good ideas to go off of. It seems like its just a matter of picking a topic and narrowing down your ideas. I think both of these topics are extremely prevalent today. Political figures today can be more polarizing then ever. People feel extremely strong either towards or against politicians. There are many cases where politicans like RBG as you said are seen as cool, which definitely is different then the past. The paper is a long way away so there is plenty of time to make your decision and to continue to think.

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