Slide Redesign Assignment: Judge Judy

The reasoning behind altering Slide 1: The initial example was too cluttered and the text was difficult to read, and the photo used was just of the Judge Judy information page on google rather than an actual photograph of her. So I made the background a simple yet semi colorful one so it wasn’t boring yet also wasn’t too overwhelming. The simple black text I used was able to be easily read, making “an American Icon” cursive to make it more visually appealing; and having my information in the corner of the slide so it is visual yet not taking up the entire page (it is not the main focus). Then I added a photo of her that is easily identifiable, and no other people in it to be able to tell what she looks like.

The reasoning behind altering Slide 2: The initial example had the text going over the photo used, which made it hard to read. There was also a lot of text written, so I shortened the bullet points that still got the same information to the viewer. Then I used a few photos of her, one from the show and the other of her at the Emmy’s to give a visual to the information given, and a gavel to emphasize her career as a judge.

The reasoning behind altering Slide 3: I reworded the initial slide’s wording to make it sound a little better. Only using two larger photos to make it less crowded than the example.


RCL #6

Paradigm Shift Essay Outline

Topic: The evolution of Feminism

  • Intro
    • Define feminism
    • Why it is important/controversial
    • Thesis: why gender equality is important and necessary
  • History of feminism
    • Who / what introduced the idea of feminism
    • How has it grown more popular and accepted in society?
  • Key feminist Icons and their impact
    • RBG
    • Suffragettes (go into detail about key members such as Alice Paul and Susan B. Anthony)
    • Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Gloria Steinem
    • Oprah
    • ETC…
  • How celebrities influence feminism
  • Opposition feminism faces/faced
    • Arguments against
    • Difficulties
    • Hurdles overcome
  • Conclusion
    • Restate thesis (the importance of feminism and gender equality)


RCL #5

Paradigm Shift Essay Idea

The topic I want to cover for the paradigm shift assignment varies; I want to cover either the progression of feminism and how it has become more popular and socially ‘acceptable’ to say you are a feminist, how inspiring political figures have come to be viewed as ‘cool’ such as RBG in “Notorious RBG”, or LGBTQ+ rights and their place/acceptance in society.

I want to choose one of these topics because I feel like they are all very important in their own ways. The increasing feminist icons and acceptance of feminism have led to more widespread gender equality and a shift in gender norms. The popularity of important political figures has allowed younger generations to be more involved and interested in the government and wanting to enact change in the United States. And the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and societal acceptance is astonishing; to see the strength of those who fought for these rights and seeing how a great amount of society has shifted their beliefs to accept those who are different is absolutely incredible, and it is also interesting to see the difference of views and values shared between generations in relation to this topic.

Things I would want to cover would be the history of each topic in that, I would show the difference between say fifty or sixty years ago to today, even ten years ago versus today. Also touching on the importance each has in not only American society but globally as well, and address stereotypes about each and say whether or not I disagree/agree with them and why.


RCL #4

Civic Artifact Analysis Essay Outline

United States’ National Flag and Patriotism vs the UK and France

  • Intro
    • Define nationalism and the significance of having a national, unifying flag that represents an entire country
    • Thesis: the strength of national pride determines the unity and strength of a country’s people
    • Introduce the incoming comparison of the United Kingdom, France to the United States
  • First Paragraph
    • History of the French flag
    • Level of nationalism, patriotism and respect for the flag in France
    • Mention positive and negative views of the flag and what it means to the citizens
  • Second Paragraph
    • History of the United Kingdom flag (mention the UK as a whole, touch on individual country flags briefly)
    • Level of nationalism, patriotism and respect for the flag in the UK
    • Mention positive and negative views of the flag and what it means to citizens
  • Third Paragraph
    • Compare France to the UK
  • Fourth Paragraph
    • Compare France to the USA
  • Fifth Paragraph
    • Compare the UK to the USA
  • Sixth Paragraph
    • Similarities and differences between all three
    • Why is respect for a national flag is important
  • Conclusion
    • Restate the thesis and main differences/similarities


RCL #3

Analyzing “Tiger King”


  • Following the lives of two VERY different individuals and, to put it simply, their followers
  • An in depth experience of the world of tiger captivity and the lives of the… well, interesting owners of these worlds


  • Those who wish to know more about tigers and other big cats
  • Those looking for entertainment and traces of humor in the baffling lives led through this series
  • People looking for more insight about the situation and feud between Joe Exotic and Carol Baskins


  • Documenting the events that resulted from Joe and Carol’s feud and how it affected the people around them
  • Giving an inside look on other horrors of animal captivity, and seeing the lengths some people will go to to make their “show” as interesting and outlandish as possible


(RCL #2)

The True Meaning Behind America’s Stars and Stripes

Students throughout the United States grow up with the same ritual every morning before the school day begins. They stand up, look at the tricolored hanging piece of fabric on the wall and recite; “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” This becomes a daily routine from Pre-K all the way up to their senior year of High School; every day the same three steps before their day can “officially begin”. But, do they know the significance and meaning behind this flag? Do they know the sacrifice put forth to allow them to be able to stand and speak freely?

Most see the American flag, as well as the Bald Eagle, as a brand for the United States; something that can be put on t-shirts and olympic uniforms to say “I AM AN AMERICAN!”

The American flag is an image of freedom and and often seen as an example of what true democracy ‘should’ look like. The flag represents a power that is not to be messed with, it represents the wars and lives lost to get to this point. The sacrifice behind this parcel of fabric is the reason people can protest in the streets, the reason citizens can freely vote in elections, and the reason that anyone standing on this soil can speak their mind freely without fear of being imprisoned or tortured by their government.

The image of this flag is viewed for what it truly stands for, but it is also so much more. It isn’t just to be honored at sporting events or put on a festive shirt for the Fourth of July; when Betsy Ross sewed the first thirteen stars and thirteen stripes in 1776 it was a symbol of revolution and change, a symbol that anyone can make a difference with enough determination. This message is often lost in modern day’s materialistic views of most things; but we must all always remember the true heart and bravery placed in those initial stitches.

(RCL #1)