Checklist for starting the evaluation
- What needs to be achieved through the OD intervention
Creation of Succession plan
a. Development of internal career ladder
b. Increased diversity across staff with more diversity at leadership levels
Development of internal career ladder
a. Skills assessment of all employees
b. Review of job descriptions
i. Rewrite job descriptions with the skills required for each position
ii. Rewrite descriptions to bring into alignment with actual work being done.
iii. The creation of vacant positions/ new positions includes skills required skills for each new role.
iv. All job descriptions to be run through a biased editor to remove biased language.
c. Management training
i. How to write a job description
ii. What biased language looks like and how to avoid it.
iii. How to perform a skills assessment as an individual and with your staff.
iv. How to have career focussed conversations.
v. What’s the difference between a sponsor and a mentor?
- How to be a mentor/ mentee
- How to be a sponsor/ how to get a sponsor
vi. Expectations on the number of career conversations with staff a year/ how it will be included in the performance review.
vii. How to use SkillSoft (set up a skills program, how to track staff progress, reporting).
2. What would the desired change state look like?
The creation of a succession plan for the department of Development and Alumni Relations at Urban Campus Research University will shift the organization to a state where there is more control over the hiring process. Currently, there is no concrete plan in place for when a high-level fundraiser is either promoted within the organization or departs. Positions remain vacant for six or more months. Internal candidates are cycled through the hiring process but wait for months (anecdotally there have been three senior-level positions for which internal candidates were selected, but not after a six to eight-month nationwide interview process). A six-month vacancy can cost UCRU $250,000, at the low end. When this plan is implemented, the length of time a position remains vacant will decrease from six months to three months, allowing for UCRU to meet its fundraising goals quicker, leading to higher donations. This could have significant ramifications for UCRU as it moves into its next campaign. The cost to the university when a senior level gift officer positions are vacant for six months is a potential loss of $5,000,000.
The creation of a succession plan will decrease the lost revenue dramatically. If a succession plan is in place so that vacant positions are filled within three months, UCRU will raise more money each year.
One of the ongoing issues that have been vocalized by employees is the lack of career growth. To support the succession plan, a career ladder will be developed within each department, and across departments, so that staff, especially junior level staff, can see potential areas of career growth.
Providing discussions around career growth allows managers to have deeper more meaningful conversations with their staff so that they can better understand the ways in which they can either manage or lead members of their team.
The chart below shows how DAR has performed on the Gallup Employee Engagement Survey over the past three years.

The questions of the survey are noted below. The questions that are highlighted will be impacted directly by the implementation of the succession plan.
Basic Needs (what do I get?)
- Do you know what is expected of you at work?
- Do you have the materials and equipment to do your work right?
What do I give?
Individual Needs
3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?
5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
Teamwork Needs
7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?
8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?
9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
Do I Belong Here?
10. Do you have a best friend at work?
11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
12. In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow?
Urban Campus Research University will have a robust pool of external talent who are waiting to join the DAR team. Internal candidates will be groomed to be ready for promotions to higher-level positions as they become available. Employee engagement will increase by .3. The pool for talent at all levels will be more diverse. Women and minorities will comprise fifty percent of the leadership roles.
3. What metric will be used to measure success for the desired change after the intervention?
The metric which will be used to measure the success of the desired change of the intervention will be the cost of vacancy. Successful implementation of a succession plan and career ladder will allow DAR to fill vacancies faster with internal candidates, it will increase employee engagement, leading to decreased turnover.
The second key metric that will be used is the increased number of women and underrepresented populations in leadership roles.
4. Who/Which are the targets of change (e.g., people/ group/ units)?
Below is the way in which each unit falls within DAR.
Fundraisers |
Fundraising Support |
Alumni Relations |
Frontline Fundraisers |
Stewardship |
Programs and Events |
Leadership Gifts |
Gifts and Records |
Strategic and Virtual engagement |
Annual Giving |
Research |
Planned Giving |
Development Events |
Administrative Support |
Development Communications |
Below is the hierarchy of positions across the division. Each level will be impacted in some way and asked to participate in varying degrees and with varying roles.

DAR Leadership Hierarchy
Task/ Role |
Vice Presidents |
Directors |
Associate Directors |
Assistant Directors, Executive Assistants, Coordinators |
Skills Assessment |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Write/ Rewrite Job Descriptions |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mentor/ Sponsor |
X |
X |
Mentee |
X |
X |
Career conversation w/ direct reports |
X |
X |
X |
Career conversations with supervisor |
X |
X |
X |
Skills Development |
X |
X |
5. What are the specific evaluation expectations at each level?
Director and above: Mentorship
Each director and above will be a mentor to two junior or mid-level professionals. They will be expected to meet with their mentee at least once every three months.
Managers will have the greatest involvement in the program. Managers range in all levels of the organization and will be expected to complete the following:
- Provide a skills assessment for all positions for their direct reports
- Rewrite current job descriptions with an emphasis on the skills required of each role
- Write any open job descriptions with an emphasis on the skills required of each role
- Screen all job descriptions to remove gender and race bias
- Complete an evaluation of their interest in either becoming a mentor or acquiring a mentor.
The manager will also be required to do what is expected of the individual contributor:
Individual contributors:
- Will work with their manager to rewrite their job description to more accurately reflect what they do as well as the skills that are needed for the position.
- They will have a career conversation with their manager to discuss their future in DAR. If they are pleased where they are, no further action is needed.
- If they would like to advance in DAR, the will work with their manager to create a skills-building curriculum through SkillSoft.
- Four times a year they will present a work (paper, presentation, project) that allows them to use their new skills.
6. Are the evaluation expectations aligned with the aims and levels of the change intervention?
In order to build a succession plan and career ladder, it is imperative that everyone across the organization participates in the process. Two pilots will run in advance of rolling it out to the entire divisions. Once the pilots are successfully underway and data has been collected through individual and group interviews and surveys, changes will be made based on feedback, and then the program will be rolled out to the entire division.
The overarching evaluation expectations are aligned with the aims and levels of the change intervention.
7. Are you in agreement with each level of targets, with regard to evaluation goals and objectives?
The client is in agreement that each level of targeting their goals and objectives are in line with the needs of the organization as well as the units that make up the division.
Factors of evaluation strategy planning
1. How will you secure time for designing, data gathering, analyzing, and reporting the evaluation outcomes? Include who you will network with to get these resources
Before beginning the project, we will work with two teams within the division who will pilot the program. It will begin with an Appreciative Inquiry-based session to discuss what’s working and where they would like to continue to build their strengths in the direction of a career plan and succession plan. In addition, we will discuss diversity and inclusions and how the other strategic goals of the university around diversity and inclusion can be implemented and adopted with DAR.
The two groups to pilot the project will be Leadership Giving and the support staff of Stewardship. Both departments are now running at full staff, and know too well how difficult it is to run with a partial team. The leaders of the two groups are very forward-thinking, have been with the organization or five or more years, and have a strong commitment to their staff. They are strong and vocal leaders and well respected across the organization. Because their groups have a wide range of talent experience so all aspects of the program will be able to be tested through their groups, these leaders have been advocating for a career ladder and the implementation of a succession plan.
Time will be carved out of their quarterly planning meetings to discuss the project and lay the foundation for the AI half-day retreat. The leaders of these teams have been vocal in requesting a career ladder.
2. How much time will each employee or groups of employees need to participate in the evaluation elements you have defined to date? What will they need to do in these events – what is their role?
Task |
Design time
Time/team |
Data gathering
Time/team |
Time/team |
Reporting outcomes
Time/team |
Skills Assessment |
Four hours
Individual and supervisor |
One hour
Individual and supervisor |
Two hours
Supervisor, thirty minutes once a quarter |
One hour
Individual, Fifteen minutes once a quarter |
Write/ Rewrite Job Descriptions |
One hour
Individual and supervisor |
One hour
Individual and supervisor |
Five hours,
Director and HR |
Five hours,
VP Talent Management |
Mentor/ Sponsor |
Training, one hour
HR and VPs and Directors |
Survey – one hour
VPs and Directors |
Three hours Talent management |
One hour –
Talent management |
Mentee |
Training, one hour
Individual contributors/ associate directors/ |
Survey- one hour
Individual contributors/ associate directors/ Talent Management |
Three hours
Talent Management |
Mentor/ mentee meet four times a year for one hour each session |
Career conversation w/ direct reports |
One hour
Individual and supervisor |
Twice annual survey – Five hours,
Director and HR |
Five hours,
Director and HR |
One hour,
VP Talent Management |
Skills Development |
ten hours over a year/ individual and supervisor |
Two hours – thirty minutes each quarter. |
Five hours each quarter/ talent management |
Two hours/ thirty minutes a quarter, VP Talent Management |
3. What other departments will need to be included in order for your project (and the evaluation plan) to be successful? What is their role in approval/chain of command/resource allocation/general support etc?
Additional departments that will need to be included are:
- Central Human Resources
- They will assist with job postings and receive all applications
- Skills assessments and skills inclusion on all job descriptions will be shared with central HR. We need to ensure that their HRM can manage store the information correctly.
- New job descriptions will be shared with central HR and will be inputted into the HRM.
- Glassdoor DAR specific account will be created and maintained by DAR, however central HR will plan a part in managing the account
- Diversity and Inclusion department
- Provide training to staff on how to be allies and ensure that DAR is a welcoming place for all.
- Procurement
- Work with procurement to purchase software/licenses such as:
4. Will you need to purchase expertise – consultant or other help to complete the project AND should those additions be included in the evaluation plan – if so what would you evaluate (stick to the outcomes rather than evaluating the person who is performing the tasks).
- Consultant for DAR who specializes in Diversity and Inclusion in fundraising, currently working with staff, this project may extend her contract.
- This will tie back to the attrition and advancement of women and underrepresented minorities in leadership positions.
- Communications expert
- Develop intranet site
- Write content to keep the project interesting and front of mind for staff
- Blog posts
- Emails
- Surveys
- posters
5. Is there a need to acquire any technology? Use current technology in a new way? Request technology help?
Current technology
- iModules
- create internal career advisors/ mentors digital platform
- Graduway
- Create staff affinity groups/ discussion groups to gather feedback from the process.
- Intranet
- Continue to use DAR intranet site, but will require more staff time to build out the site as it pertains to the project
6. What are the opportunity costs for doing the project and not doing the project AND for planning and implementing an evaluation plan and for doing no evaluation?
DAR has managed without a succession plan for years and can continue to do so for years to come. However, if we want to be successful with the next campaign, which could have a goal of $5 billion the faster we can fill vacancies, the less our goal will be affected. Fundraising relies on relationships that have been forged over the years. The larger the gift amount, the stronger the relationship between the fundraiser and the prospect. When a major gift officer leaves, whether for another role in the institution or for a new opportunity, the relationship is impacted. As stated above, the vacancy cost can be a significant amount – if the fundraiser’s annual goal is $10 million, each month the position is vacant is a loss of $83,000. If we’re not filling positions quickly, it will impact the amount of money raised. The attrition rate is 13% which translates to twenty-eight vacant positions a year. That is a lot of lost revenue. If a succession plan is not implemented, DAR won’t be able to reach campaign goals.
As with a campaign where we measure our revenue weekly, measurement of the tasks of creating a succession plan will need to be closely monitored. DAR is a culture where we measure everything and adjust as needed to ensure we have the best results. Our culture is one that relies on constant analysis and diagnosis in order to make small corrections along the way. Measuring our progress with the creation and implementation of a succession plan fits in with our culture. Why do it if it can’t be measured? A lot of hard work will go into this project which will yield even greater results. Like we are fond of saying of alumni engagement, “if it’s not measured, it’s like it never happened.” We need to make sure this succession plan happens.
Jones, M. C., & Rothwell, W. J. (2018). Evaluating organization development: how to ensure and sustain the successful transformation. CRC Press.
Gallup (2017) State of the American workplace report.