WFED 582 – What model?
Briefly compare and contrast Leavitt’s model, the McKinsey 7-S Model, and the congruence model. Then, propose a model that you want to use for OD efforts and explain why.
The Mckinsey 7-S model and Leavitt’s Model are closed system models; they don’t take into account any outside forces. They look at the inner workings of an organization. McKinsey 7-S model is typically applied through a change management approach (a doctor diagnosing a patient) however, it can be used in organization development when the consultant is acting as a facilitator.
Neither the 7-S nor Leavitt’s Model considers external forces. The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model does consider both the way external forces impact the organization, the way the organization affects the external environment.
Rothwell, Stopper, & Myers (2016) compare the two Leavitt’s Model and the 7-S model. I added the last column, Nadler – Tushman Model, to show how much more the Nadler – Tushman Congruence Model considers. A couple of things to note in the below chart; People in Leavitt’s Model are broken up into Staff and Skill in the 7-S model and individual in the Nadler-Tushman Model; I. Shared values is unique to the S-7 model. The chart below has grouped similar items across.
Of the three models presented, I prefer the Nadler- Tushman Congruence model because so much of what drives an organization is based on either a reaction to something in the environment or the delivery of something out to the environment.
Rothwell, W. J., Stopper, A. L., & Myers, J. L. (Eds.). (2017). Assessment and diagnosis for organization development : Powerful tools and perspectives for the od practitioner. Retrieved from