Philosophy of Education


Education impacts people in various ways. At its’ most basic foundation it should be solid and simple – a map from which you set your chosen path. It should enable you to be knowledgeable, skilled, and confident. Learning should instill the student with more than head-knowledge, extending beyond the classroom into the workplace and even enhancing elements of daily living. Graduating and obtaining a job are only a part of the education process. The person you become, the ethics you’ve instilled, and your ability to be able to either lead or contribute as a team member, as the situation warrants, should remain present in both your work and personal life.

It is my belief is that education in its’ various forms should remain a lifelong endeavor. With knowledge comes the potential to make a difference. As essential to life as diet and fitness, it contributes to ones’ ability to flourish as a person. Our basis for making decisions which affect not only our well-being but the welfare of family and community is established within what we have learned and experienced.

Regardless of the nature of the work, whether in commerce, health, politics, corporate expansion, or some other venue, what we take from our education should ignite into excitement, enabling the formulation of creative possibilities. Beyond the scope of problem solving and answering questions there also exists an unending need to implement skills and knowledge, to take existing trends and make them better, and to anticipate something yet unknown.

On-going learning is a choice and one in which the student should become engaged and reaching for more. Although sometimes requiring new disciplined routines and management of already tight schedules, education is the catalyst from which we are able to launch ourselves into an ever evolving world armed with a can-do attitude and a curious, open-minded viewpoint.