
Our Mission

The Sustainable Buildings and Societies Laboratory (SBS Lab) aims to become a world-class research and education center for smart, sustainable and resilient cities. To achieve this vision, we are actively educating future technical leaders, enhancing internal collaboration, elevating partnership with DOE national laboratories, engaging industrial partners, and expanding international collaboration network (5E). This allows us to address big societal problems with multi-scale, multi-disciplinary research via multi-institute collaboration supported by multi-year, multi-million dollar grants (5M).

We are mechanical systems-focused architectural engineering researchers. Through our projects, we have developed extensive international collaboration via the Global Building Network, where Dr. Zuo serves as Associate Director for Research, and domestic collaboration with numerous universities and Department of Energy National Laboratories. Dr. Zuo holds a joint appointment at the Communities and Urban Science Group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. As part of our research, we contribute to open-source tools for building and community system simulation, including the Modelica Buildings Library, to improve access to high fidelity energy and system models.

We are organizing the 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment (ZCBE) with University of Nottingham, UK, Technical University of Crete, Greece, and University of Adelaide, Australia. The ZCBE will be held in Nottingham during July 3-5, 2024. For more information about the conference, please visit conference website.

Learn more about the Sustainable Buildings and Societies Laboratory at Penn State University:

2021.09: Group Photo in front of Boulder's Flatiron



Our Research

Our SBS lab is actively conducting multi-scale multi-disciplinary research in Advanced Modeling Technique, High Performance Buildings, and Smart & Resilient Cities. Here are some examples of our research projects. Besides high quality publications, our research also produces open source models for building and community systems. To know more about our research, visit our Research page.

CRISP Type 1 / Collaborative Research: A Human-Centered Computational Framework for Urban and Community Design of Resilient Coastal Cities

The goal of this research is to create new paradigms for the resilient design of urban communities, and uniquely tailored toward the design of coastal cities, thus contributing to NSF’s science and engineering mission.

Improving Data Center Energy Efficiency Through End-To-End Cooling Modeling and Optimization

Led by Dr. Zuo, this is a joint research project with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Schneider Electric. We have developed an open-source, free software package (see the following links) which provides practical, end-to-end (from the IT equipment to heat...

The Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative Integrated Field Laboratory

Led by Johns Hopkins University, the Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) seeks a new paradigm for urban climate research. Inspired by the Urban Integrated Field Laboratory call to provide knowledge that informs equitable solutions that can strengthen...

BIGDATA: Collaborative Research: IA: Big Data Analytics for Optimized Planning of Smart, Sustainable, and Connected Communities

The goal of this project is to develop a new planning framework for smart, connected and sustainable communities that allows meeting such zero energy, zero outage, and zero congestions goals by optimally deciding on how, when, and where to deploy or upgrade a...

Optimal Co-Design of Integrated Thermal-Electrical Networks and Control Systems for Grid-Interactive Efficient District (GED) Energy Systems

This $4.16M joint research is to create a holistic open-source modeling and optimization platform for the optimal design and retrofit of GED energy systems. Based on National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s URBANopt and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Modelica...

U.S. – Ireland R&D Partnership: Intelligent Data Harvesting for Multi-Scale Building Stock Classification and Energy Performance Prediction

This is a 3-year $1.2M international collaborative research project among Pennsylvania State University, University College Dublin, Ireland and Ulster University in United Kingdom.

Net Zero Energy Community

Since 2015, our lab has partnered with the Historic Green Village, a real world net zero energy community on Ana Maria Island, Florida, to investigate the modeling and control of net zero energy...




SBS Lab News


SBS lab is an active member of the research community. We enjoy outdoor activities, parties, and delicious food with our families and friends. To learn more about the exciting things happening at our lab, visit our News page. To specifically view the many awards that our researchers receive, visit our Awards page.

1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment Begins

The 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment began at the University of Nottingham. It is running from July 3 – 5, 2024. The conference has more than 200 delegates and will be a great opportunity to learn and have great discussions. This...

Professor Zuo Receives ASHRAE Exceptional Service Award at 2024 Annual Conference

Congratulations to Professor Zuo on receiving the prestigious Exceptional Service Award at the 2024 Annual Conference. We appreciate the ASHRAE community and all the opportunities our lab members have had. Prof. Zuo served as the Chair of Technical Committee 4.10 and...

SBS Lab Member Kathryn Hinkelman Receives the 2024 Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award

SBS Lab Member Kathryn Hinkelman Receives the 2024 Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award at Pennsylvania State University. Prof. Zuo had the honor of accepting the award on her behalf. Dr. Hinkelman’s interdisciplinary research develops sustainable, resilient,...

SBS Lab Member Yizhi Yang Receives Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright

SBS Lab Member and Ph.D. candidate Yizhi Yang won the Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright – Scholarly Excellence in Architectural Engineering. The award notice says “the Architectural Engineering Department recognizes your...

Prof. Zuo Gives a Keynote at IBPSA-Ireland Research Symposium

Prof. Zuo was honored with the opportunity to give a keynote at the IBPSA-Ireland Research Symposium. This is a great honor and exciting to see so many students attending. We are thankful to our Irish collaborators and colleagues for organizing the event and sending...

SBS Lab Team Attends US-Ireland Workshop on Multi-Scale Building Energy Performance Prediction

Nearly 30 experts from the US, Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland attended the U.S.-Ireland Workshop on Multi-Scale Building Energy Performance Prediction at the University College Dublin. The participants were from a wide variety of backgrounds including...

SBS Lab Members Visit University of Colorado Boulder Energy Plant

SBS lab has been working on the DOE Grid-Interactive Efficient District (GED) energy system project for 3 years. Team meetings have been conducted weekly via zoom, but today the team held their first in-person meeting in Boulder. They received an amazing tour of the...

Current and Former SBS Lab Members Win Awards at SimBuild 2024

The Lab received a total of 6 prestigious awards at the SimBuild 2024 conference in Denver: Prof. Zuo received IBPSA-USA Outstanding Researcher Award Former Ph.D. student Yunyang Ye received IBPSA-USA Emerging Contributor Award Current Postdoctoral Scholar Katy...

SBS Lab Reunion at SimBuild 2024 Conference

SBS lab had a sweet reunion at SimBuild 2024. 16 lab members both current and graduated met together at this conference.It is so great to see so many of our peers and former members actively working and participating in the building simulation community. We are...

SBS Lab Member Saranya Anbarasu to Present Research at SimBuild 2024

We are excited to have Saranya Anbarasu present her poster on “Optimization Operational Costs in Combined Heat and Power Integrated District Heating Systems: A Reinforcement Learning Approach.” This poster shows the application of cutting-edge AI...